Example sentences of "we turn to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We turned to the shore and paddled as if for our lives .
2 Every hundred metres or so when we met the road zigzagging its six kilometres to the top we turned to the landscape : huge conical mountains with valleys that knit together as neatly as in a child 's drawing .
3 It is time that we turned to the inside of our book and began to explore its mysteries and terminology .
4 Looking to our right we recognised the Cottages with the road in front of them close to the ditch ; also our Professor 's stable , coach-house and dog kennels , with the back entrance from the road to his garden … we were soon in King 's Road [ Pancras Way ] which we found to be well studded with trees on each side … to our left the Country residence of Counsellor Agar [ builder of Agar 's Town ] … we turned to the right and first took notice of the front of our Professor 's house with its large garden protected from the pathway and road by a brick wall .
5 When we turn to the uterus , not only is it situated in the abdomen , but it is also confined to women ; and even in our enlightened days , it is hedged around with taboos .
6 We turn to the AFC and DFC , awarded since 1918 for acts of valour , courage and devotion .
7 When we turn to the animal kingdom we discover a whole array of senses which we , as human beings , reckon we do not have .
8 If we turn to the literature which attempts to combine sociobiology with social psychology , we find the formation of youth subcultures being given an explanation which is largely at odds with that proposed by Marxism .
9 It is against this background that we turn to the mathematics curriculum and ask what mathematics is relevant to real life .
10 If we turn to the history of man 's creation in the sacred volume , we find that his mission was simply to dress and keep the garden of Eden and to serve and obey his Creator … and that , so far from having any mission to pry into the laws by which the Almighty governs His creation , he was expressly forbidden to do so .
11 When we turn to the theatre the question of scale is also significant .
12 Finally we turn to the question of the possible payment of costs from central funds of this appeal , and of such appeals generally .
13 Secondly , we turn to the question of lifestyles led by subordinate social groups and their relationship to the home .
14 With this broad theme in mind we turn to the subject of International Relations and then to an outline of the book .
15 But when we turn to the input systems there would seem to be no choice but to use the language of ‘ representations ’ .
16 Er , if we turn to the revenue split I think this underscores the recession er , and you 'll notice that there 's a much lesher lesser proportion of revenue coming from advertising .
17 Second we turn to the war itself : the shock of destruction , the determination to rebuild and the emergence of consensus over central direction .
18 But , before we turn to the left 's criticism , it is both necessary and instructive to look at how the dominant rightwing , or what I have termed here ‘ mainstream criticism ’ , dealt with these films .
19 Finally , we turn to the hostility of the Armed Forces to Khrushchev in his final years , and the question of his downfall in October 1964 .
20 But , if we turn to the copy of the tables I will keep a copy .
21 Before we turn to the examination of the extent to which it is true to say of Parliament that it is supreme , it would be as well to make clear what we mean by the statement in the first place .
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