Example sentences of "we should [be] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , all too often when two-spit digging is recommended , the point that is not made clear is that we should be thinking primarily about the needs of the plants that are to grow in the dug soil .
2 So perhaps we should be thinking more about political education and perhaps we should be thinking more about encouraging them to be non-conformist in the sense that they are prepared to ask questions , to challenge and not to accept glib answers that teachers give out willy nilly …
3 So perhaps we should be thinking more about political education and perhaps we should be thinking more about encouraging them to be non-conformist in the sense that they are prepared to ask questions , to challenge and not to accept glib answers that teachers give out willy nilly …
4 That this Second World War would not last so long as the First , and even that it might not be a war on such a world-scale , were legitimate presumptions at the time , and Eliot was firmly of the opinion that we should be thinking then and there of the world which would finally emerge .
5 But , yes , we should be looking ahead .
6 now we should be looking forward at our new organization .
7 We saw them we should be looking forward .
8 But we should be producing more from the land in terms of countryside and natural resources , looking after the soil , the water .
9 The Bishop : ‘ I think it is a very balanced and very clear statement of how we should be living so far as our sexuality is concerned . ’
10 You can do it to some extent through the public sector , but one of the worrying things I find about the present situation with this growth of generations , the clamp down on building — less than a hundred thousand houses , I think , completed in the U K last year — my estimate is that we should be building about two hundred and fifty thousand .
11 If the taxpayer is providing the infrastructure for roads , which includes the track , maintainance and regulation ( = signalling ) , then it seems only reasonable that we should be providing exactly the same for rail — and allowing operators to run trains just as coach operators run buses .
12 If it were a guarantee then we should be funded accordingly . ’
13 I agree Gazza 's a brilliant player , who would be an asset for any club , but I really do n't think we should be getting too excited about this — how could we possibly afford him ?
14 Just like it does not allow us to sing an old song that was sung often , Show Me The Road And The Miles To Dundee perhaps that 's the song we should be singing just now in these particular circumstances and be it the day , maybe even in Portsmouth this particular day .
15 We should be told precisely what the sale price is .
16 I mean I wonder if we should be spending this much money on another wedding type advertising until we 've really had time to evaluate what we 're getting from the bridal magazine .
17 We also feel it 's important that we should be doing just a bit more than just having exchanges , that there is a whole process of that needs to go on .
18 ‘ This is something that we should be doing both as an employer of a substantial number of people , and as a means of providing information to firms for them to consider for themselves whether or not they want to join Opportunity 2000 , or whether they wish to pursue any of the initiatives outside it , ’ Institute secretary Andrew Colquhoun told ACCOUNTANCY .
19 He said : ‘ With the talent we 've got we should be doing better — we are still not playing well enough . ’
20 We were not told where the train was going , but we were told that we must all clamber aboard or we should be left behind .
21 Taylor says : ‘ What we should be saying now is not what can Great Britain do for small businesses , but what can small businesses do for Great Britain .
22 ‘ A young friend of ours , ’ I said , trying to sound as if it was the most natural thing in the world that we should be sitting here , holding hands .
23 Instead of assuming that the discharge of patients from psychiatric institutions is to blame we should be studying carefully the pathways that lead mentally ill people into homelessness and destitution .
24 Now we should be occupied totally with the future , or we shall risk being left behind . ’
25 We agreed that we should be considered rather callous to go on with our usual life when we were reading of 3,000 to 4,000 casualties a day …
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