Example sentences of "we would have be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I think we 'd have been right up the creek without the paddle !
2 ‘ I do n't know if we were n't actually allowed to go in there , ’ says Bernard , ‘ but it was an officers ’ domain and I do n't think we 'd have been very welcome going in there as lower ranks .
3 In the end we just let the audience in or we 'd have been there all day . ’
4 Erm I think I think we 'd have been there about nin No .
5 We 'd have been there forever .
6 ‘ Perhaps we 'd have been all right anyway , ’ he added .
7 We 'd have been much better off corralling him , punishing him , because after all , far from gaining economically he 's lost very , very heavily .
8 Nina Myskow was on the show — wish we 'd have been together , we bounce off each other so well .
9 Clearly it is of prime importance to know how and why this dramatic reversal of traditional attitudes has occurred , and to ask ourselves the question why our approval of democracy should be so automatic and unhesitating when , had we been born a century or so earlier , we would have been equally unhesitating in disclaiming any support for so dangerous and radical a notion .
10 ‘ If someone had said we would get a draw here , we would have been well happy .
11 In life , we make a decision — or a decision makes us — and we go one way ; had we made a different decision ( as I once told my wife ; though I do n't think she was in a condition to appreciate my wisdom ) , we would have been elsewhere .
12 And we came down in the morning as safe as we would have been anywhere .
13 With a rolling network we would have been there live to provide them with information of direct concern to all their lives — people , incidentally , who could not afford to pay for a service from any other source .
14 I made several speeches in the Lords propounding my belief that the Biafran side should have had our support , and I still believe we would have been very much better off had that ensued .
15 We had been outside the village of El Ouata — we would have been inside but for him .
16 ‘ We were far too complacent last year and knew if we under-performed against a team like Forest we would have been totally thrashed , ’ Mr Ferguson said .
17 Though we were pleased to see you , we would have been doubly pleased if you had entered on time , that is two weeks in advance .
18 Do you think we would have been better off if Dad had been a small-time failure .
19 In other words we would have been better off cashing the precept and keeping the money under the mattress .
20 We would have been far happier to continue with the old system but Middlesbrough council decided it no longer wanted to collect on our behalf , which is their prerogative , ’ he said .
21 We would have been together nineteen years this year . ’
22 He said : ‘ We would have been about 13 and I was playing for South London district and Ian was in the Blackheath team , which also had Paul Elliott in it .
23 Eh , , I mean there 's a idea the money that 's been spent on the railways instead of on motorways we 'd be a lot better off , and I think and Partners subscribed to that because I think that erm , had more money being spent on the railways that we would have been much better off , oh I 'd much rather go on a train journey than on a motor bridge journey .
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