Example sentences of "we would [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm well what we decided on the the procedure was that we 'd toss a coin , in front of you all , we must be democratic , and some Either of these two gentleman is going to say heads or tails , and whoever wins can choose either to go erm first or second .
2 WE must be prepared to be flexible ; grasp opportunity ; recognise that we all have customers [ internal and external ] ; give everyone the service that we 'd expect every time ; ask for what we need to get the job done quickly and effectively well in advance of the start date .
3 I had a friend and we 'd cook a meal and share it and bring the kids together .
4 You see well the point was when you pick 'em up erm we had a sm we had a big boat , what we called hanger boat , a very heavy boat and that used to have a wooden so therefore we used to pull it up by hand and pull it ove on a little barrel with a hand power that 's what we used to do and once we got the anchor in board we 'd pull the chain in by hand and then rerun it again right on to the mud and on the anchor again .
5 Pull it in to the small boat , lay it on a box and then we 'd pull the chain in by hand and then we 'd rerun it further up the river .
6 Said a friend : ‘ It was two in the morning , we were drunk as hell and thought we 'd do a bit of shooting for a laugh .
7 And that 's how it started and it was really just you know we said we 'd do a bit of fund raising and I think the men were pretty sceptical of you know they thi they thought we might fight over the first tin of beans or whatever .
8 Well look the first thing to occur and immediately comes to mind is that if I was going to be really evil I would I 'd just stick it away in a quite drawer or wait until the day , and I 'd turn up when she was breaking the the bottle , the empty bottle over over the the skip , we 'd do a picture of her actually littering up the countryside .
9 After leaving the station , we 'd just walk around for ten or fifteen minutes , doubling back on our tracks , heading in through the lobby of a big hotel and straight out again through the rear entrance , until finally we 'd come to some itty-bitty hotel in a back street with a desk in the hallway , and we 'd do the elevator routine .
10 I thought we 'd do the sling first , high sling because it 's very important to get it high and not pull it , everyone , anyone gets asked to do the high sling in their exam and if you can put a good high sling on you 're halfway to passing
11 And we 'd do the maintenance and watering instead of just selling the plants , which would give us a nice steady income .
12 Er well I left the stuffing cos I , I did n't think I 'd left it in long enough , I put it in a bit late and I thought we 'd leave the stuffing .
13 We 'd strike a bargain at erm , at twelve to timber and seventeen we 're after .
14 Yeah we divided them all up , but if me or Jan needed to refer to anything we 'd recognize the information that we 've put on the envelopes quicker than we 'll recognize the stuff that he 's put in there
15 We 'd make a fortune as factotums ! ’ laughed Breeze , who was talking at random to keep her sister 's thoughts from turning towards melancholy things .
16 We agreed to have a summit meeting in Bromley High Street after school , where we 'd make a decision on what to do .
17 I mean it 's a case of of what time we 'd make the journey is n't it ?
18 And we 'd light the fire and go run any errands , and wait till her son used to come home . ’
19 Together , every few weeks we 'd dismantle the rig and transport it in sections a few hundred miles through swamps and desert and forest .
20 Ok agreed , I do n't think we 'd generate a lot of money for those 5 though .
21 And Miss P told him that if ever any man tried to mess him about or to make him do things he did n't want to do then he should come right back to The Bar and tell us , and we 'd sort the man out for him .
22 We thought we 'd set an example .
23 " I never dreamt we 'd reach a place like this .
24 Erm now , of course , we 'd wear a jersey and boots quite happily , but er I did get a grant for clothing because otherwise there was no way of goin of accepting a scholarship .
25 At one time a we 'd pay a year 's salary or two year 's salary .
26 So overall we 'd regard the festival as a great success . ’
27 ‘ We 'd film for 12 hours , then we 'd watch an hour or two .
28 ‘ Eight acres is all the council needs — we 'd build the club and manage it both as pay and play and as a private club .
29 We 'd love a cup of tea , yeah .
30 I and other girls and women , we 'd work the Dhenki , husking the rice , or sometimes we 'd go to the fields carrying tobacco and food for my brothers-in-law and cousins who were working there .
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