Example sentences of "we have [verb] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The point that concerned must reaction of the was one that we 've heard many times before who the hell 's taking overall view of this ?
2 In relation to the concept of a new settlement the Department very firmly has an open mind at a time , we 've heard many statements drawing on the various P P G s , and from some of them you might have been excused for thinking that the Department had indeed turned it turned its back on the idea of a n new settlements , knowing that sort of situation we felt it appropriate before the start of this examination to sound out the residents of two Marscham Street
3 Car mechanic Graham , 28 , of Stevenage , Herts , said : ‘ We 've tried many times to give up but this time it 's different . ’
4 I was sad to leave the boat , we had made many friends despite the trip being only a few hours long .
5 You will remember that on the occasion of the first valleys initiative statement we had to raise many points with you in order to persuade the right Hon. Gentleman to come here 24 hours after he had made a statement in Wales .
6 As we have said many times in this section , ‘ wholesale ’ deals are often done on extremely small commissions or to profit from extremely small interest rate differentials .
7 The imported coal is heavily subsidised , as we have said many times in the House .
8 In our five years we have supported many country issues and charities .
9 We have heard many times why that has not been possible and it 's no good crying over spilt milk , as they say in these parts .
10 Even on the main routes over the mountains , we have travelled many miles through snow blizzards without seeing a single house on the horizon .
11 We have saved many birds ( like the Avocet ) from extinction in Britain .
12 We have saved many birds ( like the Avocet ) from extinction in Britain .
13 We have done many injustices in the name of freedom which have enslaved entire cultures to the technologies and interpretations of our world view .
14 We have seen many examples of each disclosure .
15 In fact we have seen many examples of animal communication that involve learning .
16 During the last two years we have witnessed many people 's lives in West Belfast getting poorer , nastier , more brutal and arguably shorter due to the introduction of the Social Fund , high interest rates and cuts in the health service .
17 We have raised many questions about the particular package of policies , recommendations , messages and specifications through which the Authority sought to implement its vision of primary education .
18 During our discussions , we have raised many issues that need deeper and further explanation if we are to achieve the right results for Scottish education .
19 We have made many representations .
20 The plants are displayed in the old farm yard and we have made many garden areas where our visitors enjoy browsing .
21 In this country we have lost many rituals that in the past supported us through the various stages of grief .
22 I think there will be many differences in our education system now , we do n't know what er system we take from West Germany as you know , we have to overtake nearly everything and we have to lose many things which were quite good in our old system and now we do n't have the chance to er to bring it into the connection between East and West Germany , so that is one problem .
23 Anke Rohlfs , the guest teacher from Coburg was a great ‘ hit ’ and we have received many requests for another course in the ideal surroundings of Green Park .
24 WE have received many messages from graduates who have been saddened to hear of the death of H. H. Lucas , former Warden of Wortley and then of Cripps Hall .
25 With reference to the fate of the Copernican system , we have encountered many complications , even in a test case that , because of Galileo 's trial , might seem to have been loaded from the start .
26 We have tried many times in recent years to land Catholic players but failed — largely because the players themselves were worried about adverse reaction in their own neighbourhood .
27 And we have counselled many women who were both mentally bright and physically beautiful , whose personal assessment was that they were stupid and ugly .
28 These little scenes establish the character of Montpellier market in our memories , although by now we have spent many mornings in different southern markets and have become accustomed to the beauty and profusion of the produce for sale and to the heavy smell of fresh ripe fruit which everywhere hangs thick in the air at this time of year .
29 We have had many laughs during our travels and our domestic life here .
30 We have had many meetings on that , and the miners ' parliamentary group has met the chairman of British Coal several times .
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