Example sentences of "we be [verb] about be " in BNC.

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1 So in a way , what my teachers here and what we are arguing about is that we want a school which cares for individual children , which rejects both extremes that I 've mentioned .
2 So what we are talking about is probabilities , and unquantified ones at that .
3 Perhaps what we are talking about is adoptive parents who need to feel in charge , secure and ‘ in control ’ ( Tizard , 1977 ) .
4 ‘ Neither of us are idiots and Benn must realise that the only way to make the really big money we are talking about is to meet each other here , when we are both scheduled to make a mandatory defence next September .
5 What we are talking about is moving the responsibility down a stage so that there is a system in place that recognises individual club players and helps them when they move up .
6 What we are talking about is the explosive power of , let me see , yes , four and a half billion pounds .
7 He says : ‘ What we are talking about is ensuring that the workers are confident in their own knowledge about HIV and are actually able to answer question , and can talk about sexual matters .
8 The different species of trees are not all making their livings in exactly the same way , but as far as the particular race we are talking about is concerned — the race for the sunlight above the canopy — they are competitors for the same resource .
9 Ultimately what we are talking about is acknowledging the seriousness of abortion .
10 The space we are talking about is genetic space .
11 Erm how often do you play , oh once a week or a couple of times a week , what sort of standard is it and what it 's doing is you 've got an opportunity to sound off about yourself and that 's who we are talking about is n't it ?
12 What is clear from this , though , is that what we are talking about are conventions , and it is obvious that conventions derive their meaning from social contexts .
13 The prospects for management buy-outs are really very bleak , the reason for that is that the franchises which we 're hearing about are likely to be very short , the franchisee will own no assets , no land , no rolling stock , nothing with which to go to the bank as security for loan .
14 And if you wan na look at this graph the period we 're talking about is indicated with these dotted lines and you can see the green line here representing U K residents holidaying abroad .
15 in in my course of work , I have three grown up sons and I think an awful lot of what we 're talking about is in your own attitude to men , and generally the most difficult men to deal with , I find , are men who for whatever reason , are actually inadequate , a little bit sensitive to women being competent I I have no difficulty at all in dealing with that , but I I 'm aware that it seems significant to me that a lot of the younger women here are much more shall we say , sensitive to erm , what I perceive as being basically male chauvinism .
16 ‘ So what we 're talking about is only 25 per cent of Marius Steen 's assets other than the houses .
17 It 's absolutely minute and yet what we 're talking about is the quality of people 's lives .
18 B and one of the issues that we 're talking about is operational matters , not all of which is a matter for open debate so
19 As you 've heard we 've been cutting costs pretty significantly over the last couple of years erm what we 're talking about is three thousand people having been er made redundant over the two and a half years and as we were saying earlier substantial redundancy costs have had to be borne .
20 And in tha in our statement we say , that we are talking about a process which involves both governments , all parties , and what we 're talking about is agreement among the divided people to which all sections can give their loyalty .
21 No I I 'm not sure it necessarily will stop people moving house , what we 're talking about is a level of provision for vacancy rates which is still well above national rates .
22 So what we 're talking about is
23 What we 're talking about is the emergency services that sh that responds to the needs of those who are in difficulty or in distress .
24 For those of you who erm get a little er flustered at the at electrophysiological concepts , let me just erm begin the lecture by erm reminding you that when we talk about the current through a channel , all we 're talking about is a flux .
25 After a after all what we 're talking about is is what er a subjective assessment .
26 And that seems to me to go against having a strategic policy but what we 're talking about is the interface at a local level between development and and protecting the countryside and that 's quite rightly where the decisions should be made .
27 Because ultimately what we 're talking about is the cost .
28 I mean , what we 're talking about is that throughout the whole of the world , there has been a tremendous increase in crime , whether it be in Britain , in France , in Germany or wherever .
29 Sometimes you have the same person and you have lots of different scores for them and you see whether they 're correlated but most o more often than not what we 're talking about is a number of people and to see whether the pairs of scores in some way are related Now this is probably a bit more important .
30 Basically what we 're talking about is .
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