Example sentences of "we be not go [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 As we said when introducing an earlier case , managers have to learn to make sense of all kinds of technical documents , so we are not going to apologise for making you wade through a selection of press releases , offers and the like .
2 As I argued , given the holism of the mental , we are not going to succeed in analysing these conceptions in terms of some complex causal interplay between determinate representations .
3 We have realised , though , that we are not going to improve unless we get rugby into the schools .
4 We are not going to take no for an answer , ’ said Lyndall Sachs of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ' ( UNHCR ) office .
5 ( ‘ We are not going to go to the wall for Escort and Parade ’ , an ‘ associate ’ of Roy Hattersley told The Observer , 6th May 1990 . )
6 Acknowledging that he would have to reintroduce his entire regulatory bill if the senate fails to act , Brodsky declared , ‘ We are not going to go away ’ .
7 Now clearly we are not going to join the need to exercise , because Chairman no one has mentioned or drawn attention to the fact that the preamble to the budget paper contains a very distinct warning , that in addition to the estimated resource gap in nineteen ninety four
8 They are not going to squeal , and we are not going to kill them .
9 They have full jurisdiction to say : ‘ We are satisfied that there is a nuisance here , but we are not going to order you to do what the local authority say you are to do because we think it can be done in another and cheaper way or in a more effective way ’ .
10 We are not going to see the likes of Philip Hardman again . ’
11 These views depend on political values and preferences which we are not going to explore here , but clearly if you believe that society as a whole will gain by children from all income groups being educated together , or children from a local community or religious group being educated together , you will prefer a system of finance that favours such provision .
12 We are not going to renegotiate with BSkyB and we will not be providing programming on a sales basis to them . ’
13 We are not going to let them drive us away . ’
14 We are not going to push our political advantage home at a moment like this …
15 There is no side in the world which starts the game by saying ‘ we are not going to score tries today , we are only going to kick ’ .
16 I think erm we are not going to say thank you to Eileen now because she is not finishing as Synod clerk and that 's a conscious decision .
17 We are not going to sit back and accept this . ’
18 If we are not going to appeal to the anthropic principle , we need some unifying theory to account for the initial conditions of the universe and the values of the various physical parameters .
19 So we have put a marker in the ground and said we are not going to move forward in the production investment phase until we are satisfied that we have a fixed price at that point so we are actually going to cap our liabilities for Eurofighter with a max price for the whole of the remainder of the programme and then we will fix the price and hopefully get some economies from fixing at that point in time before we move forward into the next phase .
20 We are not going to stop our style of play , we are a free-running side who want to score tries and even if we come unstuck against good sides with well-organised defences we will still keep on with the kind of game which we know pleases the fans . ’
21 Can I put it another way to you , that if houses are provided for people who have migrated from West Yorkshire to North Yorkshire , that the failure to provide for employment of an equivalent level , because I well appreciate we are not going to stop Mr Laycock driving or commute I beg your pardon commuting each day from Harrogate to Leeds , that failure failure to provide an adequate level of employment for those new residents would be contrary to the advice in P P G twelve and P P G 14 about reducing the need to travel ?
22 Seve Ballesteros criticised the length of the tour when it was announced in September , but Schofield stated : ‘ Our job is to get competitive opportunities for our members and we are not going to turn down opportunities .
23 We are not going to do without a great car economy , ’ declared Margaret Thatcher in March 1990 in the course of dismissing ‘ airy-fairy ’ green ideas about a return to village life .
24 So we will need to manage the whole of that block to the right of the dotted line , and therefore I think , members will appreciate that we are not going to do that effect , or indeed do it at all , if we simply continue spending at the four hundred and fifty thousand pounds which is the costs that we 're incurring in the current year .
25 ‘ But we are not going to do anything until our finishing is more positive . ’
26 We are not going to use violence , we are not going to tell girls they ca n't go out and play in the streets , that they have to stay at home .
27 They said ‘ We ca n't have anything of the sort , we do n't run separate facilities for Asians , and not only that , we are not going to allow you to use the Health Clinic for anything that is solely for Asians . ’
28 We are not going to allow some English magazine to decide how state money is handled . ’
29 We are not going to put ourselves out for them .
30 We can not have a fair society , we can not have equality , West Belfast can not be working when the women of West Belfast are treated in that way — and when the women do stand up and fight and say ‘ we are not going to put up with this any more ’ , what happens is they then become threatened by the privatisation of their jobs .
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