Example sentences of "we [was/were] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When the lights went out , we were just behind the stage .
2 We were somewhere near the centre of town .
3 Here for the first time he found something of what the pilgrim on his bicycle had sought : ‘ the sense of mystery , and awe , and of another world at once far and near … a sense that we were vividly in the presence of the passion of Jesus and also vividly near to heaven , to which the passion mysteriously belonged , so as to be brought from the past to the present ’ .
4 We were nearly on the beach and I was looking over the side of the ship .
5 we were nearly under the table
6 Again , I guess we were ahead of a lot of other groups because our music was really fast and chop-orientated , without it being fusion-like .
7 And eh , Simon got all the mud all and he said you know when I was young , we were ahead of the , but now we 're well behind
8 In fact , we were ahead in the last game until a tactical error by one of the players ( he knows who he is ! ) caused the sad downfall . ’
9 An official from the Region had a post with a Cycleway sign attached ; this was duly knocked into the ground beside the river for the ‘ photo opportunity ’ and then removed , as we were nowhere near the actual Cycleway route .
10 We were nevertheless off the ground in around an estimated 500 metres and the initial rate of climb at 90 knots settled down to around 1100 feet per minute .
11 Seaman comments that that presentation Another and concordant view is recorded by Lichtheim : Lichtheim goes on to quote Pease , then Secretary of the Fabian Society , as saying : ‘ We were thus in a position to welcome the formation of working class Socialist societies , but it is certain that they would never have welcomed us ’ ; and to add , perhaps unkindly : ‘ Beatrice Potter — a rich , spoiled , arrogant young woman with more beauty than brains — was determined to have as little as possible to do with the working class . ’
12 However — the coach screeched to a halt in the station yard and the Guides quickly formed a human chain to move the equipment and some kindly passengers realizing our predicament came to our aid , joining in the chain and we were soon aboard the train heading for London .
13 The walk-in is easy and we were soon at the foot of the icefall .
14 ‘ Being quit of this obstruction , we were soon on the Bridge …
15 We were soon alongside the small vessel as she pitched uncomfortably in the short Channel seas at about six knots , and we requested her in our usual polite manner to divert into Folkestone for a customs examination .
16 We passed through the col , with the main peak of Koitobos towering up to our right , and then suddenly we were right on the edge of the rim with the giant bowl of the crater itself spread out below us .
17 We got a call saying we were right on the money last issue with the rumour that DEC will scrap up to 10,000 people on Monday December 7 , Pearl Harbor Day .
18 It was n't we were right against the window , cold backs , I mean we were I was freezing !
19 Sailing along quite the thing and we were right down I du n no how far , if we were right in the middle of them or just on the edge of them , but we were not far from them .
20 And in the evening I looked for them , and then I saw them of course , I knew where they were and I thought quite longly we were right in the front .
21 And I I said , he said ooh yes , the two girls come the alley on their own this is the their birthday cake ma , and I really jumped I said , cos we were right in the front , I thought what the hell 's he doing ! but what they were dressed in and she said , so I said , oh yeah well I did n't like it that I do n't know what 's wrong cos all the time they did .
22 And we were right in the front row and that ruddy music she had !
23 Heather 's face displayed a mixture of ecstasy and relief ; we were both on a big high .
24 Alan Rothwell , who played another post office clerk in the film and soon afterwards became known on TV as David Barlow in Coronation Street , remembered Crawford as ‘ a good mate and good fun ’ , adding , ‘ We were both on a sort of level at the time .
25 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
26 ‘ I first met Eddie Garland at Lamorna , in 1931 , I think it was , when we were both in an outdoor painting group with Birch .
27 I wanted to say to him , ‘ I mean , I know we were both in the Footlights , but do you realize how many thousands of us there are ?
28 We were both in the upper IQ bracket ; we could 've used channels , pulled strings , bypassed the system .
29 We were both in the photograph . ’
30 We were both in the travel business and neither of us much enjoyed working for someone else .
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