Example sentences of "we [vb infin] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But what do we make of that gourd business ?
2 What can we make of this pattern and can we suggest dates for the elements within it ?
3 What can we make of this perspective on British politics ?
4 Given that public expenditure has grown over time in the UK , how do we compare with other countries ?
5 So apart from that , do we need do we start do we wait till next week before we start selling raffle tickets ?
6 Will we object in 75 years if our ancestor 's medical records become publicly accessible ?
7 What operations then do we need on this data-type ?
8 ‘ What do we know of these people ?
9 across a lot of papers but in this paper it starts er and as Mr just said it starts as far as incr increments , erm do we know at this time or can we be informed as soon as were informed , where of what , whether implement are erm , like , are restricted by the , the Chancellor 's statement , do we know or , are have we got ta wait ?
10 What do we bring to this partnership for the voluntary sector .
11 Goibniu remembered that Gnomes were reportedly extremely greedy , but said they would take a look at the designs now , if the Gnomes were quite ready , thus galvanising the Gnomes into anxious industry , resulting in much unpacking of knapsacks and unrolling of parchments and remarks such as , ‘ Who 's got the plan of the turquoise bracelet ? ’ and ‘ Why did we bring along four sketches for the everyday silver tiara ? ’ and ‘ Flaherty 's sitting on the Coronation sceptre ! ’
12 So what would we do to both sides of the equation what would we do to that side to turn it into opposite instead of opposite divided by a hundred and twenty .
13 So what would we do to both sides of the equation what would we do to that side to turn it into opposite instead of opposite divided by a hundred and twenty .
14 WHAT would we do without mobile phones ?
15 Perhaps it is due to superstition , but can we do without such superstitions ? ’
16 What 'd we do without this boy , eh Norm ?
17 I said what would we do without this boy ?
18 So what do we do about those pieces of music which are effectively our own property-which are so adolescent or tuneless or rebarbative or just mediocre that we ca n't justify wasting anyone else 's time with them — but which are important to us ?
19 So what can we do about bad habits in horses ?
20 What can we do about these bacteria then ?
21 Minus four , now we wo n't bother with that side , what would we do on this side ?
22 ‘ A Sunday without even smelling a train , ’ exclaimed Vicky , ‘ what shall we do with such riches ? ’
23 Yes , and what would we do with those elements , what
24 So you think , what can we do with three beds ?
25 What do we do with this point , for which r = 0 ?
26 I think , and , or a de-brief , what the hell do we do with this thing .
27 Well now , what can we do for this lady ?
28 What can we do for this lady ?
29 erm Now , perhaps we come back to what can we do at this end , and I think Friends of the Earth has done an excellent job in bringing it to peoples ' attention that large areas of tropical forest are being destroyed at roughly the rate of 0.7 or 0.8 percent of the forest each year , erm and they , you know I 'm in agreement with them on the fact that forest is disappearing , it 's dangerous in many places , it 's catastrophic in some , for instance , particularly in West Africa , the clearing that 's gone on in the Ivory Coast is pretty disastrous , and erm there are indications that the West African strip of forest along the strip of the West African Coast by removing that you 're going to make not only that area slightly drier , but mainly the northern areas of those countries , and the drier , so it may well affect climate .
30 What will we do in that hour ?
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