Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wrangham comments : ‘ We may thus find the first evidence that so-called abnormal sexual behaviour may have a biological function ’ ; but he points out that a number of issues need to be resolved .
2 We may thus envisage a gradient of what we shall term establishment of senses .
3 We may soon witness the recurrence of all those awful health problems which made Diana so terribly ill , ’ says Penny .
4 We may soon see a nursery ABC frieze , which goes : A is for Aids , B is for Bondage , C is for Condom , D is for Deviancy , E is for Equality , F is for Feminism , G is for Gender Stereotyping , H is for Haringey , I is for Income Support , J is for Joyriding , K is for karma , L is for Liberalism , M is for Ms. , N is for New Age , O is for Outing , P is for Positive Discrimination , Q is for Questioning Authority , R is for Radical , S is for Single Parent , T is for Therapy , U is for Underprivileged , V is for Virtual Reality , W is for Wimmin , X is for Malcolm , Y is for Yoof and Z is for Zen .
5 Nevertheless , given that it will not do to define law as a means to institutionalise dispute-resolution and so inhibit unregulated conflict , we may surely expect the control of force to be a major objective of law .
6 We may surely placate the shade of Max Beerbohm sufficiently to acknowledge that the danger we run in approaching poetry this way is indeed the danger of one sort of professionalism — specialized and therefore blinkered , inflexible , and humourless .
7 If events contradict the way we see things , we may either turn a blind eye or resist hotly .
8 In view of the potential for chlamydia to damage the fallopian tubes we may even prevent a few cases of infertility in the process .
9 If he can help Zara to translate her enthusiasm , talent and desire into winning , then who knows , we may even have a champion on our hands .
10 If these skills improve then we may yet have the desired effect of improving the flow of the ball .
11 It is of course important that growth in size be linked to growth in maturity , otherwise we may simply see the fulfilment of Jesus ' warning about the seed sown on the rock , which shoots up fast but withers because its roots are not deep enough .
12 Of course it may , and indeed has , been argued-that the middle-class model is the model for the future [ = = ] but for the present we may simply note the variety of modes of family living that continue to exist and flourish .
13 We may also detect a crisis of national consciousness in the old nations , and for similar reasons .
14 We may also feel the need to use the toilet during a severe panic attack and we may find that our breathing pattern changes markedly .
15 ‘ Freedom ’ , said Oliver Wendell Holmes , ‘ is freedom for the thought we hate ’ , since if we deny the rights of the odious , we may also threaten the rights of the unpopular , which in time may become the wisdom of posterity .
16 We may also instruct a solicitor or debt collection agent .
17 We may also monitor the electrical activity of the muscles using an electromyograph ( EMG ) and would find reduced activity as the muscles relax .
18 We may also ask the French police for help in tracing Madame V. But it 's a tall order .
19 We may also have a heightened sense of smell before periods , exaggerating any food preferences .
20 We usually have some warning when one of these changes is about to happen and we may also have the worry about this change balanced by the excitement that a change in circumstances often brings .
21 We may also demolish the non-active plant , such as the turbine hall and associated plant , ’ said Tom Mitchell .
22 We may also see a relationship between a willingness to accept the authoritative knowledge of a subject and a willingness to defer to authority in general .
23 We may also derive the stress equilibrium equations in a simple manner .
24 We may also consider the value to A and to B of a bet , say for a simple example a 50 per cent chance of £0 and a 50 per cent chance of £1000 .
25 We may just need a bit of fine tuning on the day . ’
26 Diane , I believe that if I place this disc onto the rotating turntable of a hi-fi system — not forgetting to place the stylus onto the groove , of course — then we may just find the break we 're looking for …
27 Diane , I believe that if I place this disc onto the rotating turntable of a hi-fi system — not forgetting to place the stylus onto the groove , of course — then we may just find the break we 're looking for …
28 We may well reach a situation in which all trials are held in the area in which they arise , and London retains special importance chiefly as the centre of appellate courts for the south of England .
29 Meanwhile , the rise of ‘ a new kind of economy … threatening to many , demanding rapid changes in work , life-style and habits , hurls large populations terrified of the future into spasms of diehard reaction … instead of the much-touted end of ideology , we may , in both global and domestic affairs , see a multiplicity of new ideologies spring up … instead of President Bush 's famous thousand points of light we may well face a thousand fires of fury . ’
30 During the course of er this meeting you will hear from the Chairman and the Honorary Treasurer and we may well cover an enormous amount of the grounds that is relevant to you as commodores , members and officers of the Association and it might be worth , I am going to avoid what he 's trying to avoid most of that area because I believe they cover it in greater detail and give you more of an opportunity to find out precisely what 's been going on .
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