Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , we may do great things while they are in care , achieving personal growth and forming relationships , but this is vitiated as adolescents face , at the age of 18 , the constraints of joblessness , social isolation and poor accommodation .
2 We may expect other people to fear rejection in the same way that we do , and be surprised by their directness .
3 We may expect new conventions governing syntactic combinations — in our example the Subject-Object-Verb complex — to establish themselves quickly in the evolving language of any group whose members are bright enough to tumble to the meanings of such innovations .
4 If British Telecom 's catchpenny peripheral services — dial-a-sex-kitten and so on are any yard stick , we may expect special issue stamps to become even more gimmicky and tacky than they ire already , come privatisation .
5 Yet throughout these eventful years the tradition of Catholic imitative polyphony flowed on undisturbed , reaching even greater technical equability in the work of Josquin 's presumed pupil Nicolas Gombert ( c. 1500–c. 1556 ) and Jacobus Clemens ‘ non Papa' ( c. 1510–c. 1557 ) , with whom we may associate other natives of French Flanders : Thomas Crecquillon ( d.c. 1557 ) ; Jean Richafort ( c. 1480–c. 1547 ) , an older pupil of Josquin 's ; two composers whose identities were confused even in their lifetime , Lupus Hellinck ( c. 1495–1541 ) and Johannes Lupus or Lupi ( Jean Leleu ) ( c. 1506–1539 ) , the confusion being worse confounded by two less distinguished contemporaries named Johannes Lupus ; Noel Bauldewyn ( d. 1530 ) , who was Richafort 's successor at Malines Cathedral and composer of the Missa Da Pacem long attributed to Josquin ; 3 and Pierre de Manchicourt ( c. 1510–1564 ) who towards the end of his life became master of Philip II 's capilla flamenca , in which both Gombert and Crecquillon had served under Philip 's father , the Emperor Charles V.
6 If we cling to an outmoded view of neighbouring , peering at it through deeply rose-tinted spectacles , we may make false assumptions about what is actually available to old people , or ought to be available .
7 However , we may insert other expressions for in the above integral and derive Voigt ( and similarly Reuss ) sums for these orientations .
8 Otherwise we may draw misleading conclusions about the movements across changing occupations ( for example , whether clerical positions are counted as middle class affects our analysis ) .
9 We may build active status at work through :
10 Of course , we may forget old lessons and we certainly need to keep in practice to maintain our performance levels in certain types of skill ( especially psycho-motor skills — like playing a musical instrument or carrying out a laboratory procedure ) .
11 At the same time , it has permitted the formation of a more precise theory of relationships from which we may deduce evolutionary pathways .
12 We ask God for the help we need to discover what we have in common with our neighbours of other Faiths , so that , with peace among all believers , we may promote universal peace together .
13 At the same time , we may distinguish unequal strata within a class .
14 Lady Laura was insistent : ‘ though we may feel deep pity for them , their trade is not one of blessing to the nation , to our fathers , sons , husbands ; you have to think of that .
15 It is certainly not if we keep to rigid serial usages , but with only a little modification we may produce harmonic results which suit well enough .
16 This is achieved by sound nutrition , adequate exercise , fresh air and sunshine , and above all , by seeking the ways in which we may find inner contentment .
17 Within each level of government we may find competing tensions inherent in the relationships between the different sectors .
18 At the same Lime local government is responsible for implementing central government policy and hence we may find mutual dependency between organisations .
19 We may find unifying principles in patterns of gene activity , gradients , signals , modes of movement , but there is still much variety for which we have no explanation whatsoever .
20 ( 3 ) We may define political legitimacy as the quality of ‘ ought Ness ’ that is perceived by the public to inhere in a political regime .
21 As a detail of notation , if it seems useful to have a way to distinguish property-meanings from entity-meanings , then we may use round brackets for the former , thus allowing us to replace ( 7 ) by : We may also point out that the physical orientation of the arrowhead in our representations naturally reflects the direction of qualification , not the surface order of the instantiating elements .
22 The search for interested parties will be conducted by MAS in conjunction with yourself and , if appropriate , we may use other KPMG offices and in-house industry specialists .
23 We may use physical methods of measuring light intensity that are apparently independent of our subjective experience — for instance photosensitive cells — but these are accepted because they correlate to a greater or lesser degree , under normal circumstances , with subjective experiences of brightness .
24 Now we must consider in more detail some of the ways we may use vibrational spectra to give structural information about inorganic substances .
25 If some studies of style are of doubtful value because of their emphasis on quantitative methods , the opposite tendency to rely entirely on what we may call stylistic intuition has , if anything , been even more prevalent .
26 Rather , an enlightened dualist will search for some significance , which we may call STYLISTIC VALUE , in a writer 's choice to express his sense in this rather than that way .
27 If we do n't succeed in this then we may require other people to act as our parents , or we may regard others as a threat to this self-sufficiency and therefore avoid intimacy .
28 Or we may put different trends together to produce a novel outcome .
29 ‘ Otherwise , we may condemn whole generations of children to stunted growth and to illnesses in later life known to be linked with poor nutrition , such as heart disease and some cancers , ’ she said .
30 The ILP wrote to the Labour party , the TUC and the Co-operative and Communist parties on 13 February 1934 calling for : an immediate consultation between representatives of all sections of the working class so that we may plan common action .
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