Example sentences of "we [vb base] take a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we do take a victim 's view of ourselves — that we are helpless and it 's all impossible — then we wo n't shift .
2 We 've taken a cottage a couple of miles from the slopes . ’
3 We 've taken a bit of stick and rightly so because we 've had a bad week and had two disappointing performances .
4 I believe we 've taken a decision on that for the health conference , last time round .
5 We 've taken a number of factors into account one of which is the lower occupancy levels at Beaver Vale .
6 Education Committee chairman John McTernan said : ‘ We have to take a stand against racism .
7 Well we have to take a chance .
8 When we take our residents out , we have to take a wheelchair out for everybody .
9 We establish order and think we are in control ; then Nu throws over the table and breaks what we have taken a lifetime to construct .
10 For the purposes of the plan , we have taken a fire as our incident .
11 We have taken a step backward , ’ Ryan said — and on this sorry evidence it looks as if it will be backwards all the way when the Test takes place at Cardiff Arms Park on 4 November .
12 Mr Ward said : ‘ Something has to be done here as we have taken a step backwards .
13 That having taken this momentous decision to join the Exchange Rate Mechanism , we have taken a step of the most important step towards economic monetary union from which there can be no turning back .
14 Since that point we have taken a number of steps to reduce students ' reliance on benefits .
15 Again we have taken a lead .
16 This book argues that we need to take a step towards a sociology of the global system .
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