Example sentences of "we [vb base] it [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Two light bulbs need replacing on the same day , and we say it 's just a ‘ coincidence ’ .
2 But if we say it 's around eight hundred
3 Right , so this is if we incorporate expectations in our model of supply response alright , so instead of saying that the the desired level of supply instead of saying that , we say it 's actually this right , if we actually incorporate expectations specifically alright , then we get a supply response model alright , like this and our hypothesis , y'know cos we do n't know how expectations are formed , right , economics ca n't tell us anything about how expectations are formed are they rational , are they naive , are they adaptive , who knows , nobody knows alright .
4 Having examined the issues and made some preliminary recommendations we consider it is now appropriate to consult interested individuals and agencies .
5 Even when it is hidden from view , we know it is there , securing the plane on which we act our lives .
6 Whilst we know it is much more common than previously thought , we do not know how common it is .
7 We know it 's already heading that way .
8 I think there 's a third fact that you touched on earlier that I think it 's just worth mentioning and that is that we know it 's also a genetic pre-disposition to anorexia nervosa , in other words , we know that in certain families it is a disorder that will run from one generation to another .
9 we know it 's sooner or later
10 Yes , we know it 's only a dim and distant memory now , but , hey , nostalgia 's all the rage , is n't it ?
11 But I do believe that we ought to be doing more in terms of making sure they do come out erm you know i , we know it 's only a a training exercise even though you leave one or two in there , but I think we ought
12 ‘ But we know it 's there because of the Principle ? ’
13 There 's a forest fifty miles off , it 's outside our window because it 's not in this room and to come a little nearer home ther there 's a campus outside our window but we ca n't exactly see very much of it but we know it 's there and it 's got some birds in it , it 's probably got some little insects in it and there 's a woodpecker
14 it 's not bad , it 's , it 's , but we know it 's there that 's the only thing
15 Cos we know it 's there , so we we miss it .
16 We find it 's also useful back information , because they will be able to act on one client and has applications for proposal we are writing for another client later on so we can use as references refer to this information .
17 We believe it 's less dangerous because it is a staggered fall , ’ said Richard .
18 For the small extra monthly payment , we believe it is well worth having the peace of mind provided for you and your dependents .
19 We believe it is quite wrong for the Government to deny access to justice to many of the poorest and most vulnerable in our society .
20 Although EA may cause some delay to a development proposal , we believe it is far more important to ensure that such a development avoids generating environmental impacts that may cost time and money to overcome ( if indeed they can be overcome ) , than avoid the process because of its apparent inconvenience .
21 We have kept to the original theme of our estate because we believe it is only being fair to those who have chosen to live here . ’
22 As will become clearer in the following chapters , we believe it is more constructive to view the use of heroin or other drugs as a complex social behaviour determined by a multiplicity of causes , not least of which is the normal human desire to ‘ feel high ’ ( be happy ) in an increasingly hedonistic world .
23 BOB PUE the chairman of the Belfast and County Down Railway Museum Trust has just presented his annual report and we believe it is so interesting S.R.N .
24 We believe it is morally wrong to be taking away residential accommodation , when there are so many people homeless in our society , and we should do something about it .
25 But also more importantly we 're looking at it from er an employee health and safety point of view because we feel it 's just as important to have our employees aware that their
26 Another Orcadian was equally adamant that injustice had been done : ‘ We 're here because we feel it 's very wrong the way the bairns have been uplifted , and they 're being treated quite like criminals really .
27 We feel it 's very important that our rights of way network should be maintained and improved where possible which is why we are proposing an issue thank you .
28 At the end of the underground man 's tirade ‘ generalhumans ’ appears as the notional creatures we are trying to turn ourselves into because ‘ we feel it 's too much of a burden to be men — men with real bodies , real blood of our own' .
29 ‘ We are aiming at the Northern area because we feel it is desperately under-served , ’ he says , adding that discussions are also under way with Yorkshire Arts about touring in that area .
30 We feel it is particularly important to publish this article since it represents a community perspective , in this case the writer 's experience of the struggle for health in a housing estate in Glasgow , Scotland , as the backdrop to her experience of the struggle for health in Nicaragua .
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