Example sentences of "we [vb base] [not/n't] have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We do n't have new problems in the Foreign Office . ’
2 And have we not got ta take care that we do n't we do n't have such an enormous list
3 Just thank our lucky stars that we do n't have such problems here in England ! ! ! ! ! !
4 ‘ But we do n't have many holiday houses lying empty for the better part of the year , ’ said one local , proudly .
5 We do n't have many sitters capable of milking goats but we will provide someone if we can . ’
6 Mind you , we do n't have many from outside the village . "
7 We do n't have many with that range of experience and that marvellous mind .
8 We do n't have many drop-outs , ’ said Mr Robertson .
9 We do n't have many chips at all really .
10 In these systems we have good descriptions of their anatomy and of the physiological properties of the major types of nerve cells but , at the cortical level , we do n't have good explanations of what the systems do or the way they do it , except in the broadest terms .
11 We do n't have much sugar left , ’ said Gloria .
12 ‘ Looks like we do n't have much choice , ’ Defries said .
13 ‘ We 're just setting up here — we do n't have much equipment or anything yet .
14 We do n't have much to say .
15 Since he 's our landlord for best part of our grazing , we do n't have much option . ’
16 We do n't have much control over what the magistrate 's court committee do , as we could tell from our efforts to appeal against the closure of some other magistrate 's courts erm , anybody else on this subject , I 'll put this to the vote , really since it 's a technicality .
17 Compared to many companies , we do n't have much bureaucracy or formality .
18 I like a bit of a snack , we do n't have much at lunch time
19 All right John Cochrane , we do n't have much time .
20 They 're not something we can do without Secretary of State authorization , that will take time , and as Mr just mentioned , the budget , and we are still proceeding with that budget , but we do n't have extra money to do this within that budget at the moment , so , yes , we have n't ignored the problem .
21 I mean if we do n't have compatible systems , then it 's not going to make a lot of it will make a difference , but not going to make as much difference , but I think if we do it could it really could be revolutionary .
22 So we do n't have low quality jobs and high quality jobs , we have quality jobs with different standards attached to them .
23 Erm , we get er , leads , unfortunately they become available across the whole of western Europe or the whole of Britain , and we do n't have hundreds of successes from America .
24 The great chamber , we do n't have great chambers now , but sort of the master bedroom , private sitting room , erm would have had a big bed in it .
25 We do n't have that amount of time , yet very few people feel the urgency to get it right .
26 While we see that more marriages succeed , although there so some of them might be just dragging , but er a , at least they do n't become a headache for the society as children of adult er parents or children with one parent , we do n't have that problem .
27 We do n't have that sort of money to throw around .
28 We do n't have a in our business as many other retailers do where for instance after Christmas may be and other such things to clear we do n't have that , so there is n't any merchandise that 's been sold since Christmas that has been sold because we do n't want it to be in the inventory post year end it 's it 's just generating trade by being discount price left so therefore to a certain amount your question would be has the post Christmas and it was pre Christmas no material difference we 're very satisfied with the gross margins since Christmas we have n't had to take any extraordinary measures to generate this erm this level of sales increase that 's being achieved at constant margin a flat margin
29 And it 's , it 's difficult for us to tell because we do n't have that many regional studies to be able to know exactly what it was that was determining these differences of values .
30 But it it 's if we do n't have that opportunity with next door then some years down the line .
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