Example sentences of "we [vb base] [pron] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 To check that we have the correct total number of vibrational degrees of freedom , we count one for each a ( or b ) species vibration , and two for each e ( doubly degenerate ) vibration .
2 In this last section , we consider what for many , especially working class pupils , has been the consummation or the release from schooling : the labour market .
3 ‘ And was n't he being romantic when he suggested that we consider you for this job ?
4 But , that just means the levels of insurance , as a risk , ah , you know , and we 've just put a rate in to , to represent the , the levels of insurance because we charge you more if we insure you for more then .
5 We get one for that .
6 Oh Lord who to see that all the world , we thank thee for those who fought and those who laid down their lives in the cause of righteousness and freedom .
7 We thank you for all your hard work during 1992 and we look forward with renewed enthusiasm to working with you all in 1993 and beyond .
8 We realize Lord , that we ca n't do it ourself we are totally dependent upon you and yet we thank you for this .
9 Lord our God , we thank you for these beautiful words from the Masai people .
10 Father , we thank you for those who lead the church throughout the world , as its shepherds and pastors .
11 We thank you for those who have ministered your word to the church of St Leonard 's during the weeks when we have been meeting in the School for the Deaf ; so we thank you for John , Alan and Emily , for the readers and for those chaplains and ministers who worship with us .
12 Father , we thank you for those you have placed in posts of responsibility in the governments of the world and of our nation .
13 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
14 We thank you for those who were involved in the preservation of the church , and for our fellow Christians who have given so generously of themselves and their resources to make the work possible .
15 Heavenly father , we praise you as the living God and thank you that you have called us to look to the growth of your church in this parish ; we thank you for those who have worked to help plan the proposed church building ; we especially pray for John Taylor , our architect , and the city council planners and planning committee .
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