Example sentences of "we [adv] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 We mostly want to be left to get on with Afterwards .
2 We rather hope to be asked to dance by a couple of twenty-year-olds , do n't we , old thing ? ’
3 When involved in any kind of search we obviously need to be able to recognise what we are looking for , the goal state .
4 I think we only want to be on the mainframe so that the divisions can access details in the middle of the night .
5 ‘ You have to remember , ’ Ellen liked to lecture Thessy and me , ‘ just how absurdly wealthy they all are , and how desperately the wealthy want to be liked because they ca n't help feeling guilty about being so rich , so we only have to be obsequious , give them loads of booze , and pretend to be impressed by their entirely predictable and usually jejune opinions , after which they 'll reward us with an outrageously large tip — which is , after all , the sole reason for being nice to the ghastly creatures in the first place . ’
6 But sex , homicide , and religious cult are categories which we somehow expect to be hedged about by taboo , everywhere , always .
7 We just had to be or my centenary Open was going to be short-lived indeed !
8 Fil continues : ‘ We just happen to be in this bit … ( much laughter ) … of no money and knowing what it 's like to have no prospects .
9 I was received as a thief , a well-mannered rapist , bucketless car-washer , double-glazing runner , not to mention corrupt informant that some of them tiles is loose , Ma 'm , and we just happen to be in the area with a long ladder so why not call it eighty quid ?
10 We just happen to be more lucky at laying hands on them than most .
11 They will doubtless say we are lucky , but we just happen to be house-owners with a steady income , like millions of others .
12 So , we just need to be clear that er , we 're not actually endorsing the list necessarily .
13 We were able to help him … we can see their house from our bedroom and we just happened to be looking out of the window at the time , do n't you know . ’
14 I said I did n't know the other guys , we just happened to be in the same pub .
15 We just happened to be in the pool at the same time , that 's all . ’
16 oh we just happened to be down town
17 We do n't have to deserve it — we just have to be willing to do it !
18 We just want to be alone
19 We just want to be sure everything is hunky-dory . ’
20 And , a a I mean I think we have , you know , to be feminists because we do n't want to be better than men , we just want to be equal .
21 We just want to be left alone . ’
22 Both our customers and our prospects are feeling the squeeze , and we generally seem to be at the painful end of it .
23 Some fathers seemed to have invested hopes in their daughters of the kind we normally expect to be invested in sons :
24 Work would already have started on improving what we already believe to be one of the country 's most modern and safe grounds .
25 What we usually take to be specifically feminist concerns ( e.g. ‘ political ’ ones — whatever that means ) seem often obscured in this body of writing by the theoretical exigencies of semiotics , psychoanalysis , discourse analysis or Althusserian Marxism .
26 In this investigation , we usually take to be the most probable entry angle for an incident object , 45° , but consider a range of other possible values .
27 The present , we hardly need to be told , is extremely tense .
28 He brought his ballad finished ’ , we hardly need to be reminded that The Rime of the Ancient Mariner , Christabel , and other poems were being written at this time .
29 The present , we hardly need to be told , is extremely tense .
30 This principal asserts that if a knows that p and that p implies q , a also knows that q ; we always know to be true any propositions we know to be the consequences of a proposition we know .
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