Example sentences of "we [modal v] not do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A tough looker is not necessarily a tough fighter , and we should not do him the favour of allowing his warpaint to add to our problems .
2 We should not do it for our sex .
3 Editor , — Allyson M Pollock and Azeem Majeed 's arguments in response to our editorial on consultant episodes could perhaps be summarised as ‘ the internal market is intrinsically flawed and we should not do anything that would delay its demise . ’
4 We must not do anything to discourage people from taking on that caring role .
5 Even with the best will in the world , we could not do it .
6 Fritz wanted to do something immediately about Black Michael and his men , but Sapt and I realized that we could not do anything openly .
7 It is hardly surprising that a tiny minority of the signatories are now beginning to say , ’ We will not do what the treaty calls upon us to do ; we will do what the United Kingdom does . ’
8 As one young member of one of the groups put it : ‘ We just accept things as they are , and while we are quite prepared to talk to you tonight we will not do anything tomorrow . ’
9 We can not do what we want because guilt convinces us that those around us will be hurt , so we temper our lives and our actions to avoid that mythical hurt .
10 So , in order to avoid what we believe is hurting others , we end up hurting ourselves , with the final result that because we can not do what we want , we grow bitter and resentful .
11 ( In practice , however , the calculations required for systems containing more than a few electrons are so complicated that we can not do them . )
12 The objection involves the feeling or perhaps the conviction that we can never state or explicitly describe such a thing as a causal circumstance is said to be , which is to say that we can not do something like give a complete enumeration of its elements : we can not give particular or individuating descriptions of all of them .
13 We can not do everything in a very limited time , so we must select what is essential on the fairest and most comprehensive basis possible : that is , what we think may help pupils to cope with , and make decisions about , things which happen to them — at any age and at any level ; and also what will encourage responsibility concerning the effects they themselves have on others .
14 ‘ But we can not do anything until we know what will be expected of football clubs in the future in terms of all-seater grounds or any other issues .
15 We can not do anything without our feelings playing a part .
16 We can not do anything about domestic events now , but certainly we would be keen to shown them .
17 ‘ Unfortunately , we can not do anything about it .
18 Earlier , a care worker told the jury about the girl 's absences from the home : ‘ Unfortunately , we can not do anything about it .
19 He wrote to Rohde in 1868 , encouraging his friend to follow suit : " we must do it simply because we can not do anything else … [ but ] … for our part let us see to it that young philologists are brought up with the necessary scepticism , free from pedantry and the over-valuation of their profession , and behave as genuine promoters of humanistic studies .
20 It 's as if she is away staying somewhere , and we are waiting for her to come back , we can not do anything until she returns .
21 Therefore , although we welcome legislation that deals with the serious issues , and although we have promised to consider it carefully in Committee , we can not do anything about the crime figures .
22 Though it is very disconcerting when we find we ca n't drop off or that we wake early , we must remember that we can not do ourselves any physical harm by having difficulty sleeping .
23 We can not do it because Gramm-Rudman-Hollings will not let us ’ has become a familiar refrain .
24 The spiritual care of the bereaved demands a book all on its own and we can not do it justice here since we have been more concerned with the human experiences that people undergo .
25 We can not do it for ourselves , it is gift and grace — God acting on and in us to create a new willingness to see with his eyes , think with his mind , adopt his values and attitudes ( 1 Cor.
26 ‘ But ma'am — Your Majesty — we can not do it .
27 We can not do it alone but we must be prepared to do our part . ’
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