Example sentences of "we [modal v] [vb infin] it in " in BNC.

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1 She was very impressed and there is a possibility we may stock it in the future along with other similar species buyers are currently investigating .
2 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
3 Since f is a function of λ which vanishes at the eigenvalues , we may use it in the Newton-Raphson method to obtain an improved approximation
4 If we do not need all that DP equipment now we may need it in the future .
5 We should make it in three or four days , if we 're lucky , if we leave tomorrow , ’ Travis finished , recalling her to the here and now with a start .
6 That We should bear it in mind that blacks and Asians in this country have to cope not only with Chas 's disadvantages but with additional discrimination because of the colour of their skins ?
7 I was appalled that we should find it in John 's own news room .
8 So I think we should get it in perspective .
9 I think we should put it in there
10 We must bring it in whatever else . ’
11 If we want to see the glory of God ( which no man can do in all its unmediated radiance , and live , Exod. 33:20 ) then we must seek it in the person of Jesus .
12 If we are to understand the feeding habits of the species , therefore , we must consider it in relation to the whole ecology of the species , and its relations to other species .
13 So we really must have that back , and I think we must have it in the er traditional tune .
14 We must put it in the hands of trained Islamic scholars and get them to run tests on it .
15 for me to sign , I said I 'm sorry I 'm not signing them and I would n't sign any of them and he went back and he said alright then we 'll leave it in your husband 's name , I said yes you 'd better had cos he still owns the house , yet all those bills have come through , I 've had water rates come through in my name , I 've had the electricity come through it 's in my name , the only one bill that was never in his name , never has been is the telephone and that 's included
16 So do you think that erm when this law was erm pushed through in nineteen forty seven that er perhaps Mao you know well I think there 's been a bit of excess now , I think we 'll do some we just need , we just need a bit of a rush now just to take us through a bit and then we 'll stop it in a few months time .
17 It 's we 'll make it in the morning , one morning and then we can come out at erm
18 ‘ Do n't worry , boy , ’ he says with a small grin , ‘ we 'll fix it in a jiff . ’
19 Yes , Sally says we 'll do it , we 'll change it in the car alright , just as I was saying we had erm , we had roast dinner , Charlotte do n't aggravate him , we had roast lamb , erm and I 'd washed up by two o'clock
20 MacDowell 's got a load to deliver and he wants a hand so we 'll do it in the lunch hour ; new headquarters of the respected firm of MacDowell and Co : ye esteemed Eagle and Child public house to be found ( if it be not removed by ye demolition men ) at the corner of — you feel like coming then ?
21 This is a dirt dive and this is how we 'll do it in the sky .
22 Erm give me thirty seconds worth of famous dogs they can be in cartoons , they can be in history , they can be in films , they can be anywhere and we 'll do it in half an hours time .
23 We 'll sing it in a minute for you darling .
24 We 'll wrap it in cabbage leaves , overnight , with some peppercorns and a little laurel and thyme , ’ she had said , evenly .
25 The rest of us will take note of what he has to say and we 'll bear it in mind tomorrow .
26 We 'll take it in turns , ’ Fen declared .
27 On losing to a late goal he added : ‘ We just did n't get that bit of fortune you need — perhaps we 'll have it in May at Wembley instead . ’
28 alright , they move it out of Switzerland but if we ca n't have it here we 'll have it in Pakistan or somewhere where they want the money !
29 Everything fits into your regime , and we 'll have it in two stages so it fits with your insulin levels as well .
30 I think we 'll have it in Norwich actually cos I wan na w want a few words with the day after so while I 'm in Norwich Norwich and can hobble to the meeting Okay , you 've got all your dates for your appraisals .
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