Example sentences of "we [adv] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 We certainly , if you look at the breakdown of our sales er , we only sell about a hundred and fifty er , million pounds worth er , of goods and services in Asia , Pacific erm , we would certainly like to make acquisitions in that area just as we did in North America er , in the seventies and eighties and we have now small Pearson er , office , for instance in Tokyo , it 's quite slow , erm , er , in that area but certainly we 're on the lookout for acquisitions in , in Asia , Pacific .
2 We only train twice a week so Orient are obviously fitter than us , but I thought we gave as good as we got . ’
3 on the phone cos we only speak once a week , well I do n't think
4 When we we but we already do quite a lot of this anyway .
5 ‘ Yes , ’ said Matey encouragingly , ‘ we hold it every year , and we usually make quite a large sum to give to the various charities connected with the Church . ’
6 ‘ Although fewer and fewer are now attending we still meet once a month and we find great strength from discussing problems and traumas .
7 They stretch the current notions of ‘ document abstraction ’ to breaking point , showing us that we still have only an inkling of what a ‘ document ’ could be once all the underlying technologies are mature , let alone what it should be .
8 ‘ What 's disturbing is that we still have quite a narrow industrial base , ’ said Mr Scott .
9 We still owe quite a lot on that money we borrered fer the free'old . ’
10 We also learnt quite a lot as to how we should do it next time , so when we now to it for senior managers erm come April May time er and hopefully that er training will be improved on the benefit going through .
11 We also put together a two day programme , hosted by key NGOs , to show Ms de Jonghe some of the major EC related environmental issues affecting Wales .
12 In Oxfordshire with regard to drug misuse , well , as it says in this report er the main drug of misuse is alcohol , and we also have quite a problem with minor tranquillizer dependents .
13 We also did quite a bit of work with Kevin Killen .
14 We probably know quite a lot of people who are taking exams of one sort or another at the moment .
15 As an overall thing we probably take about a hundred and fifty phone calls every day from policy holders , and I suppose out of that you I suppose you people that have n't erm have broken down at the side of the road will ring up or something .
16 We probably presented quite an obscene picture and suddenly we seemed to have an audience .
17 We then put together a package of care within the resources that are available within the community to meet their individual needs and this will be changing as the sufferer 's condition deteriorates .
18 If we get first division people I 'll do it a different way to him if I had to end up with second division people and the responsibilities they take on board will very much reflect that and the same surely should happen to the field sales force erm their abilities are reflected in in what sort of activities we give them and by looking at the people we have we then put together a team to most accurately attack whatever we want to do .
19 We then had quite a few chances before Norwich scored on a rare break with 11 mins left .
20 We certainly ate quite a lot of that , did n't we ? ’
21 In a ramshackle sort of way , we actually put together a few decent tunes , though as is always the case with truck bands , or marching bands for that matter , quality loses out to volume .
22 The other fact , I mean there 's a lot of uncertain factors , the other one is that as far as I 'm aware we actually have quite a large number of people , by comparison with the norm' , actively applying for other jobs at the moment .
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