Example sentences of "we [verb] that it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Spokesman Kevin Flynn added : ‘ We regret that it has occured .
2 We suggest that it enables the parents to pay a compliment to close friends by inviting them to be godparents .
3 UTOPIA : We propose that it begins , as you say , with the most advanced technologies we know , but with a new factor that changes the picture completely : negative growth , or rather planned economic decline .
4 What was more , when we plotted , not strength but breaking strain , against thickness , we found that it did not matter what the whiskers were made of , for they all plotted on the same curve .
5 Assembling our find on deck we found that it consisted of a case of 10,000 cigarettes and several cases of spirits .
6 When its output is 1 , we say that it fires .
7 This is the set of numbers greater than 8 , and we show that it keeps on getting bigger , by placing a row of dots after 12 .
8 If we conclude that it becomes clear that the trend , long-term , is away from the conventional type of power steering , with a valve mounted er in line with the input car
9 On previous form today and in Committee , the Minister will say , " We hope that it does not happen .
10 Well , we hope that it does n't , er but of course if pesticides and other chemicals are misused , and , and er , er are used in ways which , which are not recommended by manufacturers , yes , they can be harmful , that 's quite right .
11 It stands alone as a study of infant care practices , but we hope that it contributes to a discussion of those factors which form Bergman 's ‘ critical mass . ’
12 The polarisation of views , inherent in the structure of a dialogue , may oversimplify complex issues at the heart of the debate , but we hope that it highlights several important conflicts which remain unresolved .
13 We hope that it has not escaped the reader that the predictions concerning the different effects of word and feature masks do not depend on the mask being a word ; they depend only on the mask being composed of letters .
14 This makes the special position of the maternal uncle seem even more anomalous , and led Junod to suppose that we could only understand this peculiar relationship if we assumed that it represented an anachronistic throwback or ‘ survival ’ of an earlier matriarchal stage .
15 In introducing the predicative construction in Section 3.2 we stated that it had two positive characteristics : completeness , which we regard as primary ; and the secondary characteristic of making explicit the validity of the subordinate property for the entity qualified .
16 It is only when we remember that it has many internal parts , all obeying laws of physics at their own level , that we understand the behaviour of the whole body .
17 We heard that it does not intend to cap any local authority .
18 Carella had taken the number of the taxi and we discovered that it had dropped the suspect outside the San Gallicano hospital in Trastevere .
19 We know that it plans to spend £35 billion .
20 We know that it does , but we do n't know why .
21 we 've looked at the landlord tenant relationship before , erm and , and we know that it 's got worse , you know , with the nineteen thirties and the world depression
22 We know that it pays to be informed about the particular problems of getting older , like osteoporosis , the development of brittle bones , that can afflict women past the menopause .
23 Competition in facilities at home and abroad would prevail , Spottiswoode believed , for a generation to come — we know that it has gone on ever since .
24 It is not so , except perhaps in the most formal of speaking styles , where a sentence may fall to a low point in the voice and be followed by a substantial silence , and we know that it has come to an end .
25 Mr. Hughes : Had that happened , it would have been fine , but we know that it did not happen in the vast majority of cases .
26 I feel that it shows itself in the contrast between the child 's — we 're talking about children for the moment , although obviously there are dyslexic adults — it shows itself in the contrast between the person 's ability to express him or herself in words and their ability to put it down on paper and to read it off paper , and it 's this contrast which often arouses one 's suspicions that there might be some problem and , having gone into it a little , we find that it stems from a failure of the sensory motor system — the brain is n't processing the information it 's receiving through the ear and eye .
27 We find it difficult to know how to obtain samples of families with recent baptisms , so we enlist the help of some local clergy who are interested , and we find that it seems simpler to restrict ourselves to baptism within the Anglican Church , since other baptisms in nonconformist churches and chapels suggest that the parents are of some definite religious following .
28 We believe that it represents the best way forward , not just for this country but for Europe .
29 We believe that it does n't need any special legal requirement . ’
30 It is an important Bill even if , as it stands , we believe that it needs to be improved .
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