Example sentences of "we [verb] just get [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You wi they will have had support and yo you might say we 're gon na miss little things out that we 've already covered on or are not relevant anyway erm I think we 've just got ta wa , just got to see how it works and
2 know is really , and it 's in the file , if they do pay up at the last we 've just got ta get
3 Said we 've just got ta stay here .
4 Erm the J C one we 'll have to try and deal with that again as a separate issue but I do n't , I mean the amount of time we 're losing from high levels of sickness we talked about a c couple of meetings or so ago , about the absence levels with some people , we 've just got ta make sure we crack that on the head , we 're just haemorrhaging money , the fact that it is not just hours it 's money .
5 In much the same way as we 've got we 've just got ta go away and do some questioning ourselves erm get amongst it an say okay can we do some of these things more effectively ?
6 We 've just got through an absolute bastard of a week .
7 We 've just got to . ’
8 ‘ They must n't forget there 's a recession going on and we 've just got to be realistic about money . ’
9 We can do , we 've just got to , I mean we 've just got to ask everyone to give a very brief report erm on another occasion and then it can be kept very short , I think though , there are , there are times when , when , you know , we do want to hear what 's going on with sort of er networks and campaigns , we do need that time as well do n't we , er so we ca n't , I do n't think we can always do it .
10 We 've just got to . ’
11 I do think we 've just got to be self critical about .
12 But I think erm , you 've just got to er , we 've just got to er gerrit sorted .
13 Actually it started to rain and when we had just got in the then we had to get out again .
14 Between these calls to NEW , we link the variable we have just gotten to the previous one to form a dynamic data structure
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