Example sentences of "she would have [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , I 'm sure she would have wanted children too .
2 Had she had it in her to be extraordinarily good she would have felt cosmopolitan , since , she considered , there was a definite elegance , a chic , in sanctity .
3 By this time tomorrow the whole thing would be forgotten and she would have forgiven Paula .
4 The bodice is quite small , but it 's actually not as , you read about eighteen inch waists , I mean this is nowhere near an eighteen inch waist , and although she would have worn corsets , she obviously did n't wear , you can see there , so much corseting that she could n't move , and that she could n't bend down if she had to .
5 If she had been speaking to a school friend she would have called Brian Daddy but this was not acceptable to Jasper .
6 Delaney had , since his young wife , Pam , who always worried stiff at his parachuting , had died underneath a juggernaut , with the son she would have given life to in one month 's time .
7 She had almost forgotten herself by walking to the big front door , and giggled inwardly at the shock that she would have given Mrs Parker if she had done so .
8 If her eyes had been open , she would have seen Zeno heading for the cliff path .
9 If Mrs Hamilton had realised that she was pregnant , she would have stopped smoking , and in fact she did stop after the miscarriage . ’
10 Penny would have known more wives from the Agency and from the Bureau than she would have met wives from the Service .
11 She would have turned heads anywhere in a navy blue backless dress which rose just above her knee .
12 But she thought of how , if the positions had been reversed , she would have written pages full of detail to Ellen , would have described a child in such a way as to make him spring from the writing , alive and visible .
13 She could n't do much yet , and was certainly not fit to take a job — otherwise she would have made Breeze go to Edinburgh , and gone down to Penzance herself .
14 She would have respected Simon Copley more if he had been less prone to venial selfishness , less preoccupied with his physical comfort , but this she told herself was probably the result of fifty years of spoiling by a devoted wife .
15 Most of the shutters were still closed and she would have welcomed light .
16 She would have let Lizzy go to the party eventually , she rarely denied the girl anything .
17 She would have preferred Terry to die quickly , but as long as he dies , I reckon she 'll be easy . ’
18 She would have preferred Muriel , Lady Selvedge , with its dowager-like dignity .
19 She would have preferred ham , being a natural meat-eater , but cheese was cheaper and money was always short with her .
20 She would have preferred Stella to have been labelled as ‘ nice , or ‘ well-mannered ’ ; ‘ interesting ’ was a shade ambiguous .
21 As she stared into her bemused eyes , he slowly smiled , and in that moment she would have committed murder if he 'd asked her to .
22 She would have had publicity then ? ’
23 The doctor had announced that the boy 's mother was dead and that she would have had twins but they had come prematurely because of her lifting something heavy .
24 But even if Kirsty had n't insisted , she would have taken part anyway .
25 After all , one feels , Mrs Washington was surely a thrifty housewife ; had the invention of margarine occurred a century sooner than it did , no doubt she would have taken advantage of the development .
26 She would have taken Moses back to the harem where he would be brought up with others , learning to read and write the Egyptian hieroglyphic and " cursive " scripts and gaining expertise in various skills and sports ( see Acts 7:22 ) .
27 If she had made it just a few feet further she would have found safety in the homely atmosphere of the estate where she lives with her family .
28 If when you and Pete had that trouble , if our Margaret had er been working , I honestly think she would have left Pete .
29 She did it as she would have thought Shakespeare would have known people and things , you know , she did it like that .
30 She did it as she would have thought Shakespeare would have known people and things , you know , she did it like that .
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