Example sentences of "she would have [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She pushed away the papers and rubbed at her eyes , she would have to visit the creditors , pay them a little of their money and then beg them for time to pay the rest .
2 She knew she would have to take a look .
3 Melanie wondered if she would have to take a tray to the basement but it seemed they had their own gas ring down there and brewed up continually for themselves .
4 She realised that she would have to take the initiative , or she 'd be sitting there forever .
5 But soon , yes , she would have to take the telegram and walk to the shop and watch Enid fainting and Mother rustling out from behind the counter .
6 Hell , he could n't even ask , having told her the next time she would have to take the initiative , but if she did n't take it soon he was going to go out of his mind !
7 On one occasion the old crone who managed the NAAFI decided that she would have to charge an extra penny for a cup of tea .
8 If the woman did n't move soon she would have to invent an excuse .
9 He was doubtful and told her that she would have to ask the Queen 's private secretary for approval .
10 I recall one occasion when Mother was so busy trying to finish knitting a quilt — I 've still got it somewhere that she said she would have to miss a service .
11 ‘ I am capable of cooking for myself , ’ he assured her stiffly , and she knew she would have to do a little begging to keep him from another burst of anger .
12 In the meantime , since no amount of nagging would persuade Maxie to rake up the leaves or to allow her to employ a man to do it , she would have to do the job herself .
13 He told Lisa that before the operation , and for a few months after , she would have to wear a steel frame pinned to her head and connected to a rigid plaster jacket to hold her damaged neck in place .
14 On the other hand that would mean she would have to spend the rest of the night in her room with the door locked while he mounted guard outside , forgoing both the pleasure of quelling her hunger pangs and , much more important , a very real opportunity of fulfilling her original quest .
15 Caterina now faced the weeping Virgin determinedly and moved her lips as if praying ; she quailed when she realised that she would have to act the go-between again and seek him out alone once more .
16 Loretta had assumed that she would have to leave a message for Jamie with some college functionary , and wait for him to ring back .
17 She said Diana could have a divorce but she would have to leave the country .
18 She knew she would have to leave the factory after that .
19 Her first thought was that she would have to leave the flat .
20 Soon she would have to use the last of the rushes .
21 She did not know how long she would have to carry the child , or when it would be born ; she had no one to ask except Mrs Seager , who was still insistent that they go soon .
22 Or it might be that she would have to barricade the windows against the revenants , against all the figures from the history books who had once had a lease on life and property and wanted their rights back .
23 Tomorrow , she would have to forget the humiliation she had suffered at his hands and plead for his help in what threatened to be a hopeless task .
24 By the time she reached the Campo San Maurizio , she felt so tired that she was almost afraid she would have to climb the cold stone stairs to the first floor on her hands and knees .
25 She would have to eat a bucket of chicken vindaloo to get the stuff down her and , although there had been publicly expressed doubts about the kitchens of the ‘ Tandoori ’ , Wimbledon , they had n't , as far as Henry knew , got around to using bleach to liven up their menu .
26 The long journey across , the shock of realising that she would have to share the house with a complete stranger , and a highly undesirable one at that , had disorientated her .
27 If she wanted to get home in comfort , she would have to find a cashpoint .
28 Today , when she went for Lin Foh , she would have to find a firmer resolve .
29 She would have to find a dressing-gown .
30 She was alone in the world and would have to heal herself and somehow she would have to find the strength to do it .
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