Example sentences of "she would [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be true nudity , he assured her ; she would wear a body stocking .
2 And they talked to her , most politely : the Martin man asked her when she was doing her Finals , and she told him , and he asked her what she was going to do then , and she said that she thought she would do a teacher 's training course .
3 Queen Margaret had already left in a blaze of colour , escorted by Catesby and Agrippa , riding along Ropery , then Vintry Street into Thames Street , where she would meet a troop of her brother 's royal serjeants at Castle Baynard .
4 Before she went she shared with the fellowship group a vision the Lord had given her that she would meet a group of Christians who were asking for help with teaching and counselling .
5 I did n't take offence , nor did I think her last question the non sequitur of a schizophrenic — Chineseness had everything to do with financial acumen — but she was treating me with the politeness she would accord a stranger who was her equal .
6 She would lift a corner of curtain up now and again , imagine she had a blaster with sights attachment , and use her would be playmates for target practice as they leapfrogged and hopscotched around the courtyard below .
7 She then gave Jacob her maidservant , Bilhah , as a wife , saying that through her , she would build a family .
8 She vowed that if she survived she would build a monastery as thanks for her life being spared .
9 He would throw paint imitating a comet ; and she would paint a part of the milky way .
10 Or perhaps she would paint a picture of Oliver and it would be hung in the National Gallery and everyone would come and look at it and weep because it was so beautiful .
11 She decided that she would make a phone call just to check that Jenny had left home and knew the right time of her arrival .
12 And if it came to court she would make a plea that he be given the care of his daughter until she became of age .
13 She would make a dash for it and be in the garden before anyone had a chance to walk in on her and take her by surprise .
14 I feel she would make a nurse .
15 If your interest in the past centres on some figure in particular from days gone by you could perhaps not do better than to consider whether he or she would make a detective , as the American writer Lilian de la Torre did with a series of short stories about Dr Sam Johnson , Detector .
16 They decided on the following Friday for the party and Lee said that she would make a chicken and pasta and fruit and nut salad and make borscht and buy black bread and invite Philippa and Conrad if Larry would buy cheese and wine and serviettes and invite two friends of his own .
17 One day she would make a fortune selling it everywhere .
18 A few yards on and she saw there was no answering wave and she faltered , uncertain if this was Ferdinando or some other lone horseman before whom she would make a fool of herself , but the closer he came the more sure she was that this was her husband and then she chided herself for thinking he had hands free to wave when one was needed for the reins and the other to hold the child .
19 But before that she would make a cup of tea and read for a bit .
20 Her husband was a friend of the Collector , she would make a complaint
21 She would make a bust of him .
22 Even after they moved , and that 's ten years ago now , she would make a point of coming up for the children 's party , at Christmas . ’
23 She would n't waste her enforced imprisonment in Castle Perilous , she would make a start on her lines !
24 Should the dowager-duchess not be in residence , she told herself , she would leave a message with the housekeeper .
25 She would advise a customer not to have that : it looked too old , or it smelt .
26 To make a profit she must sell every copy — she paid the money up front so if she did n't she would incur a loss .
27 She angrily warned that she would quit a resort 's big night if the woman did n't stop filming her .
28 When the celebrations were at a height the lady who had been rescued said she would present a piece of silver when she got back to England to the squadron and what would they like .
29 Anything less like a conventional date she could n't imagine , but she was rapidly beginning to realise that David Markham was not a conventional sort of person , and besides , she told herself firmly , even if he had been , he was the last person she would arrange a date with .
30 They tried to find work where they could function well ; for example , a deaf person said she would avoid a position which involved treating patients in groups and would never work in a very large hospital .
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