Example sentences of "she could just make [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 On the wall behind the plant she could just make out irregular painted spirals of pale gold .
2 But in the deep shade in the angle of the two hedges she could just make out that a pit had been dug .
3 To soothe herself , she counted the roses on the wallpaper ; she could just make out their heavy , dark faces .
4 She could just make out , beyond her own reflection , the night-shapes of a long garden with a flood-wall and a towpath at its end .
5 He lifted his head and , in the semi-darkness , she could just make out the wry smile that touched the corners of his mouth .
6 Briefly , as she followed Lucenzo across the marble floor , she caught a glimpse inside a dark , spacious room where she could just make out the shape of elegant furniture and banners hanging from a painted ceiling lit by the light from the hall .
7 She could just make out the shape of the fork stuck in the ground , the bulbs scattered around as she had left them , and as the moon disappeared behind the clouds she shivered and a feeling of desolation flooded over her .
8 She could just make out the shepherd resting beneath a tree , and the tranquillity of the scene helped to make her feel less frantic .
9 To her right , as her eyes adjusted to the faint lifting of the darkness , she could just make out the first steps of the spiral tower staircase .
10 The design was n't very clear , but she could just make out a building shaped like a tower , she thought , tracing the outline with her fingertip , and beneath it a flower which might or might not be a rose .
11 In the dim light she could just make out some moving shapes .
12 Dorcas pointed to the shadows at the far end of the shed , where she could just make out something big and indistinct .
13 Yes , through the gloom she could just make out the dried-up fountain in the middle of it , and , straight ahead , the huge studded doors of a church .
14 Excited to find she could just make out traces of narrow fields with dividing banks and walls , she ventured further towards a rounded mound which could well have been an Iron Age barrow , and just beyond it she found the standing stone , where she shivered pleasurably , her imagination running riot about the monolith 's precise function in the days when the settlement had been a live , thriving community .
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