Example sentences of "she could do [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She knew what she could do to him , things she bet porcelain Xanthe would never know .
2 His voice was rough , his breathing still laboured , and she smiled , enjoying in a very feminine way what she could do to him .
3 And then it was mammoth time and nothing she could do about it .
4 But there was nothing she could do about it .
5 She was told they had a warrant and there was nothing she could do about it .
6 She looked pale and tired ; there was nothing she could do about it , because she 'd left her handbag with her makeup behind on the bed .
7 She accepts that she then was confused , she did n't know what to do erm she did n't think there was any point in getting out of the car which is what sh she should of done , she should of tried to make some enquiries about the child er , but she er , she looked around shrugged her shoulders and and then carried on her journey because she did n't think there was anything else she could do about it .
8 There was nothing she could do about it .
9 ‘ Please , Fand , ’ Ruth said — ashamed of herself , but there was nothing she could do about it .
10 There was n't anything she could do about it , though , except back away , and she certainly was n't going to do that !
11 But it had happened , and there was nothing she could do about it .
12 But the question was academic , for there was nothing she could do about it .
13 But there was obviously nothing she could do about it now , she decided , and the holiday in Rome would no doubt put him out of her mind .
14 But there was nothing she could do about it , short of giving him an explanation for the presence of Richard 's car outside her flat .
15 But there was nothing she could do about it then and it was too late .
16 And there , on the carpet , the worst thing of all happened to Sally-Anne Tunstall , and there was nothing she could do about it , nothing .
17 She also had a strong suspicion that , despite his kisses , Silas was thoroughly annoyed with her , and , while it made her feel depressed , she felt there was little she could do about it .
18 But she was unable to see what she could do about it .
19 And there was nothing she could do about it !
20 Naylor was calling her bluff , and there was not a thing she could do about it — the swine !
21 She was up to her ears in love with Naylor Massingham , and there was n't a single solitary thing she could do about it .
22 This time there was no mistaking the command , but , short of trying out one of the manoeuvres she had been learning in a regular martial arts class , there was n't much she could do about it .
23 She bit her lip over the length , but there was little she could do about it .
24 There was nothing she could do about it , other than keep a low profile and stay well out of his way .
25 There was nothing she could do about it now , except try and force him out of her mind and heart .
26 As soon as he walked through the door of the rather dark basement flat in the Bayswater Road and heard her explain that Pauline 's boyfriend was ill so she had gone off to his place to see what she could do for him , Freddie wanted to flee .
27 What she could have done without when she went into her office was to answer the phone and hear Jimmy Webb ring in to ask if she could do without him as he 'd got an upset stomach .
28 She could do without it .
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