Example sentences of "she could [verb] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She could feel her colour mounting and sensed nudges and stares .
2 She could feel her skin , corroding .
3 Jessamy found she was breathing rather heavily , and she could feel her skin growing hot with colour .
4 She could feel her skin tingling with delighted response .
5 At work next day , discussing time-sheets and piecework rates with Dagmar , she could feel her skin irritating her .
6 She could feel her chest swelling with the joy of it .
7 This seemingly innocuous question acted upon Liz with the effect of an instant anaesthetic : as she began to answer , she could feel her jaw growing rigid in mid-word .
8 She was positively trembling with rage , and she could feel her nails piercing into the flesh of her arm .
9 She could feel her breasts hard under the thin cotton of her blouse , the nipples pushing against the material , yearning for the feel of his hand .
10 His words rang in the clear air and she could feel her head swimming from the enormity of what he had just said .
11 He had only to appear and she could feel her emotions bubbling to the surface .
12 She could feel her heart thumping and was sure that people would see its movement beneath her dress .
13 She could feel her heart banging like an old engine .
14 She could feel her heart sink .
15 She could feel her heart thumping that little bit faster against her ribs .
16 She could feel her heart thudding against his chest .
17 She could feel her mother s irritation rise to balance the calmness that her grandmother threw over the fight .
18 She could feel her mother 's presence behind her but she refused to turn round or even to raise her head .
19 At the same time she could feel her neck muscles being strained .
20 And broad shoulders under his white coat — She could feel her hand trembling .
21 Even before he touched the exposed flesh , she could feel her nipples tingling , tightening to aching points , thrusting proud and carmine under the caressing gaze .
22 She could feel her nipples hardening beneath the touch of his fingers , and her body trembled almost uncontrollably .
23 Dignity right now seemed a bit optimistic , when she could feel her eyes blurring over with tears , but anything was better than standing here at the foot of the stairs , rooted to the spot and subjected mercilessly to his naked inspection of her .
24 She could feel her face puckering , about to cry .
25 She could feel her face flushing .
26 Fran 's nerves were raw , so strung up that she could feel her hands shaking as she fastened her bag and picked up her tape-recorder from the desk .
27 As she hurried to grab a taxi to the hotel she could feel her stomach coiling into knots of dread .
28 She could feel her stomach churning with excitement .
29 She could feel her cheeks burning as girls she 'd been to the convent school with in Naas said , ‘ Welcome , mam ’ and some had slyness in their smiles .
30 Apprehension dried Polly 's throat and she could feel her cheeks burning , but she had gone too far to stop now .
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