Example sentences of "she had never [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ellie was now eighteen years old , and in all those years she had never travelled in a taxi-cab , nor had she ever been into the heart of Boston .
2 She had never suffered from claustrophobia , but right now she could imagine just how its victims felt .
3 Above her , an eagle soared , its gliding majesty holding her spellbound , and she was lost in a world of her own , a world she had never stepped into before as the beauty , the staggering grandeur and the warmth of Spain gripped her imagination .
4 She had never felt with this intensity before , and knew she never would again , unless it was Travis who was holding her .
5 But she had never felt at home with him , perhaps because , with his confident good looks and the air of arrogance in his bearing , he seemed both to represent and to have absorbed something of the mystery and potency of the power he operated .
6 Rosa thought of the Madonna , and thanked her , thanked her with a welling passion of gratitude such as even she had never felt towards her before that Tommaso had not taken advantage of her total willingness and that she was still intact — no one would be able to say anything against her.They could examine her if they wanted , those witches could paddle inside her to make sure .
7 She had never felt in danger before , at least not from the sort of attack that menaced the settlers in Palestine , the RIC in their barracks , the Irish in their homes .
8 She did n't like to own up to the fact that she now stood a little in awe of him , and she had never felt like that with either Mr Martin or his father before him because , in their own ways , they had both been free and easy .
9 She had never felt like this about Cliff before Debbie was born .
10 She had never felt like this before in her entire life , knew she would never feel like this for any other man .
11 She had never felt like this before , she thought dazedly .
12 But the clog of sound she had never noticed in hospital was removed , as if a plug of cotton wool had been taken out ; that constant humming buzz of the working building like a machine or a living body around her .
13 Fortunately , she had never fallen into our clutches .
14 Before she knew him she had never stayed in real hotels with private bathrooms taken for granted , and coloured TVs and room service for all guests .
15 She had never realized before that Adam had grown to look so like his father .
16 She had never come across a five-year-old before , or indeed a ten-year-old , who could multiply with such facility .
17 She had never come to terms with her old life , but , inch by inch , she was coming to terms with this one : her first reality .
18 Sitting alone and still grieving , in the one-bedroom bungalow , she did something she had never done in all her 38 years of married life .
19 Aunt Margaret told her to dress herself in her nicest dress and Melanie put on a dress she had never worn in her uncle 's house , a best dress from the old days , dark green corduroy with lace at the neck .
20 She had learnt that from her ma , but she had never understood until recently .
21 It might have been true once — and she was glad now that she had never succumbed to Hugh 's importuning .
22 Adam 's face was mere inches from her own , his eyes hot with a fury she had never witnessed in him before .
23 Michael Lee was well used to Katherine 's preference for darkened rooms ; when had had first started work for her , he had done some research and discovered that when she had operated in Dublin , she had never appeared in public during the daylight hours and always met her business associates in darkened rooms , where she was known only as Madam Kitten .
24 She had gazed petulantly at a mantelpiece empty of deckle-edged cards , remembering the time when she had never wanted for an escort or a party .
25 A man she had never seen before or since came at night .
26 She could see its possibilities straight away , something she had never seen in those gloomy other chambers .
27 There was also , she vaguely noted , in one corner a piano , and the windows had shutters of a kind that she had never seen in England .
28 Yet there was something else there , too — something that she had never seen in him before — and it touched her deeply .
29 Exploding into a temper , the sort of temper she had never seen in him before .
30 I am convinced she had never lived in a house before , and had never had any real relationship with people .
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