Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once she had faced up to that , it was an easy decision .
2 There were other friends too and people she had grown up with .
3 Londoners were more callous than the Greeks she had grown up with .
4 Even though her parents had moved to the States , she still had friends here , people she had grown up with .
5 Tales of Robin Hood were very much to Anna 's romantic taste , and she listened enthralled as Merrill searched her memory for the legends and folklore she had grown up with .
6 Rosemary loved him , she was certain of that , but Rosemary was in a particular hell of her own , her love for Travis warring with the convictions she had grown up with .
7 The literary articles were the result of her home study of literature — she had grown up during the establishment of the free library system in Britain , which she used extensively to supplement her elementary education .
8 She said with a shock that she realised she had grown up among the men on her father 's farm without seeing them as people you could conceivably fancy .
9 So she had grown up in a cold , almost emotionally empty vacuum .
10 It was an attitude she had encountered before admittedly — from people who assumed that because she had grown up in hotels , she had been able to enjoy all the comforts afforded to the customers .
11 She had grown up amongst beautiful clothes , been dressed from childhood in designer fashion , been made to stand still for fittings for her graduation dress and her first ball gown , and hated every moment of it .
12 Bought as a second pony after she had grown out of Buttons , he had proved himself such a marvellous jumper and such a resolute galloper , Artemis could n't possibly imagine life without him .
13 She had winkled out of him that he got the story from Georgie and she had much trouble persuading him it was a joke .
14 She had saved up for such a long time and did n't want to carry a load of coins around .
15 For , when she had woken up , rather late that morning , her usual brightness had been replaced by a quiet , sinking unhappiness , and instead of getting straight out of bed and opening the curtains to see what kind of weather was there , she had huddled down between the sheets , reluctant to face anything .
16 And yet when she had peered down at Scathach 's body she had looked through leaves , through summer .
17 She was thought to haunt the Dane Hills of Leicestershire in England , and to live in a cave she had dug out of the rock with her own hands .
18 She had moved out of hearing .
19 Was that why she had moved out of the Wilson family home ?
20 For the first time since she had moved back into the house , she knew she could n't face an evening with Jacob .
21 But then , when he had leaned forward to brush her cheek , her neck , she had moved back as if he had transgressed , and all his knowledge of her had been shattered by her refusal .
22 She had moved down to London and lived in squats .
23 She had given up counting the number of marriage proposals she had turned down over the years .
24 Hard to credit that he had once fathered a daughter — and a beautiful girl she had turned out to be — like her granny …
25 She had thrashed around like a freshly caught trout on a grassy bank .
26 All of these she had wriggled out of , and as they were leaving the cinema he had had the nerve to say , ‘ You know , I really respect you for saying no , Benny .
27 Snatching an old raincoat from the hallstand she had plunged out into the rain .
28 To be honest , it looked as though she had given up on being a woman .
29 She had given up concerning herself with the agent of the Scarabae .
30 She could not refuse him , accordingly , and did not ; but more and more it was almost as if she had given in to Mr Poole 's demands ; one man was much like another .
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