Example sentences of "she had [adv] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 They had wanted each other from that first night , and now , in this dimly lit room , with Nicolo 's mouth on hers , with his hands on her breasts , she had finally run out of lies and excuses , not just for him but for herself .
2 She had finally walked out on him and it had only been the intervention of Philpott that had brought them back together again .
3 Surely she had n't gone out again , forgetting that she had left a friend waiting on the telephone ?
4 Even if she had n't sussed out who had ordered the stuff , she should have asked for his advice and help in disposing of it .
5 He 'd waited for Lucy but then , when she had n't come out alone , he 'd stayed well back in the shadows .
6 She had n't come out with them .
7 But she had n't found out what .
8 Hoping against hope that she had not ducked out back to her own flat — not that she 'd blame her ! — Leith skirted the room until her eyes were drawn to a settee that had been pushed back to the side of the room .
9 London had been exciting , but she had not shone out there , she felt , the way she had here .
10 Mrs Gordon ( 61 ) who lives in Kingshurst , West Midlands , and now works at a nursing home , admitted in an official statement released by solicitor Steven Jonas that she had not carried out a smear test before joining Dr Kumar 's practice , but claimed she followed a technique he taught her .
11 This woman was not his wife , and she had not come out here to seek conversation .
12 She had already fallen out with Sutton , who regarded computers with unconcealed loathing .
13 But Main Line , an independent filmmaker , contended that it had reached an oral agreement with Basinger , a standard Hollywood handshake deal , and that she had later backed out of it .
14 She staggered backwards , straight into the whipsawing edge of the monofilament shield , gasping with surprise and pain when the molecule-thin blade sliced through the toughened material of her spacesuit , neatly removing the arm she had automatically put out to protect herself .
15 She looked as stunningly elegant , as poised and assured — because even her slight nervousness seemed professional — as if she had just stepped out of a cabine at Dior .
16 Lucy Lane arrived : in a green frock figured in black , dark hair expertly set , a shoulder bag matching her frock ; she looked as though she had just stepped out of her BMW runabout for a spot of window shopping .
17 It was Dinah , with her arms full of packages ; she had just come out of a cab .
18 One night she had just blown out the light when she had the sudden feeling that someone had entered the room .
19 She looked as if she had just got out of bed , and McLeish had a sudden vision of a dark basement flat with greasy mugs on every surface .
20 Her hair was black and thick and looked tangled , as though she had just got out of bed and not brushed it .
21 She had just started out on her career as a free-lance photographer , with nothing but a little talent , a lot of determination and the best camera money could buy to help her make it .
22 She had religiously sought out the warrant officer chef every day to offer him her tail , and by the sixth day she had him purring like a kitten .
23 She had carefully thought out what she was going to say , but when , in the firelight , she looked into his dark-fringed eyes , she forgot her rehearsed words .
24 She had deliberately kept out of his way until now , leaving the task of showing him upstairs to his godmother 's room to Mrs Diggory .
25 In fact , so bowled over was she initially that she had actually gone out to dinner with Travis one night .
26 The Customs men had believed she was a drug-smuggler ; Nathan had assumed she had virtually jumped out of Giles 's bed and into Clive 's .
27 With that settled , they were back by the outbuildings near the house when she again remembered her car and thought she had better find out where it was garaged before she again forgot to bring it up .
28 As she watched him leave , without so much as a glance in her direction , such a feeling of desolation had swept over Isabel that she had almost cried out .
29 She had hardly set out when the unwelcome attentions of a British privateer forced her back to Ostend and , at her second attempt , she was intercepted again , off Banff , but for a second time escaped .
30 Once for something she had never found out about .
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