Example sentences of "she might [not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If it 's this cold she might not bother coming back
2 Well I , she might not want reminding that she 's forty
3 She might not like hanging around hospital , you know , sick people , smells of disinfectant … it 's early closing and I was going to ask Mr Hogan for a loan of the car . ’
4 As Ngo Van Loc drove them northwards , her thoughts against her will returned constantly to the frenzy of that midnight jungle storm and the gnawing fear that she might not have emerged from her folly unscathed .
5 Afterwards Leith could not help wondering if perhaps , with more experience of men , she might not have handled it better .
6 When she was younger and thoroughly impatient with her mother she had sometimes entertained a fantasy that Constance would kidnap her and take her away to live with the gipsies : now she felt that she might not have liked it as much as she thought .
7 If O'Keeffe had been able to ignore the criticism of her art that Stieglitz 's ideas initiated , she might not have felt compelled to limit her experimentation with abstraction in the early 1920s .
8 This came out with more bravado than Sally-Anne really felt , and had she seen him more clearly before she intervened she might not have said anything at all .
9 His hands did n't roam , did n't take liberties that she might not have wanted him to take ; only his head moved , his mouth , as he kissed her first one way , then another ; drew her lower lip , infinitely gently , between his ; sampled the top lip , her tongue ; moved languidly to approach from another direction .
10 She might not have kissed him , but for the moment he knew he was willing to settle for that message : I love you — I think .
11 And while she might not have done herself a lot of favours over the last five years , it has to be concluded that she is better getting out while the going 's still good .
12 She might not have done it , done it but like she might have
13 The dazed expression had almost left her face and I wondered if she might not have had a slight stroke when Celia abandoned her , and was now recovering .
14 She might not have had a daughter to sing them with but she could enjoy their soulfullness on her own .
15 She might not have had it all
16 He came and went so quickly that she might not have known it was him save for the flash of his yellow cravat under the gas-lamp .
17 On the assumption that he or she might not have carried the murder weapon away Wycliffe had ordered a search of the foreshore , and a police frogman was floundering about in the shallow off-shore waters like a porpoise on the point of stranding .
18 Beneath the overwhelming memories of physical delight there were fears — a fear that she might not have measured up in some way .
19 She might not have come , but I did n't want to say it .
20 Once she had taken off her black suit and was lying in bed dressed only in her underclothes and dressing gown , she admitted to herself that she was so tired that she might not have lasted out the afternoon in court without fainting .
21 She might not have succeeded in warning Guy , but she did n't think Brien fitzCount would stand by and allow the Queen 's equerry to be murdered while he was on official business .
22 I had n't told her he was five foot two — she might n't have believed he was romantic anyway .
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