Example sentences of "she would [vb infin] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd bring that home and er the men would all congregate then round the table at home , and he would pay them out .
2 She 'd get that fox if she could .
3 At the time she 'd put that pass down to a reflex action of a man who could n't let any opportunity pass him by , but now she was beginning to have doubts that he was as shallow as she 'd first thought .
4 She 'd write that headmaster a strong letter .
5 She 'd recognise that voice again anywhere .
6 Hurt that he could think she would do that pest of an interview through Lubor , she was certain then that she did n't even like Ven Gajdusek — much less was she attracted to him !
7 She would go that afternoon to fetch water from the fountain , she liked doing that anyway , and nothing could come of it to hurt her , there were always plenty of others there , and she 'd give Tommaso a sign , so that he 'd come , come at night to find her , that was the way it was done , she 'd seen it , becks and smiles under half-dosed eyes as the water brimmed in the young women 's jars .
8 And it 's really to provide , according to Derek , it 's to provide the Secretary of State with some ideas of costings of , if she decides the new careers services to run careers conventions , she would make that part of the specification and she would know how much that that was likely to cost her .
9 Not that she had made up her mind about taking Bridget into her confidence — she would leave that decision until later .
10 She would accept that advice .
11 Claire says she would like that cup of tea now .
12 At some other level of consciousness she registered amazement , a flick of anger , and the distant recognition of her own recovery : eventually , she would remember that movement .
13 She would cross that bridge when she came to it .
14 She would reserve that option .
15 She loved her parents , and her parents ' farm , and she loved Uncle Willi , and Georg , and their farm , and she would hate that world to change .
16 And being someone for whom an hour on Møn passed more slowly than two weeks elsewhere , she welcomed a distraction ; she would plan that part of the garden herself .
17 Fortunately , she was a feminist and seldom asked for extra money , since she would consider that degrading , although she had accepted a house and school fees .
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