Example sentences of "she would [vb infin] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She phoned up the doctors and said she 'd make an appointment for me .
2 For a real work-out , she 'd need an opponent .
3 Then she changed her mind and said she 'd have an audience after all , and then , best of all , she said not only would she have an audience , but she 'd like them to ask her questions .
4 I used to have Physics at half-nine and every now and then she 'd have an accident in the road so I 'd be running home , changing her and taking her back to nursery , which would mean I 'd be half an hour late .
5 Cathy was continuing her inspection as though she would make an inventory .
6 She flirted outrageously , promising that she would secure an interview for him with the Queen but she always seemed to fail .
7 It was degrading even to contemplate that she would feel an obligation towards him .
8 Killion spread his hands on the table , in the hope that she would rest an arm within stroking range .
9 I would not fancy Mrs Izzard 's chances very much should she happen to meet Miss Murphy on some foreign back-track : she would get an earful .
10 Her supervisor and other friends in the Faculty encouraged her to think that she would get an appointment at Cambridge eventually if she could hang on .
11 There was a fair indication too that , if she got the job , she was going to work harder than she had ever worked , in that she would have an assistant to work with her .
12 Sarah was determined that before she left this room she would have an appointment to save her son 's eternal soul !
13 At this rate she would have an accident , and she 'd only have her own stubbornness to blame for it .
14 Eleanor has said she would like an omelette . ’
15 She would like an audience to identify with something within themselves , but she hates the idea of King being canonised .
16 It was she who eventually recommended that Laura go to a college she knew of — one where she would find an environment supportive of her experience .
17 Obsessional behaviour : she determined that one day she would find an explanation for it , and , meanwhile , pursued it .
18 Another friend said she would keep an eye on her , but four weeks later we had a phone call from her saying that Shamrock was desperately ill .
19 In addition I explained to her that , having found the original event and looked at it through adult eyes , there was no danger that she would put an end to one problem only to replace it with another , as might have happened if we had not investigated its origins .
20 Jean Baya , manager of the nursing home , said Naomi had acted differently in the days before her death but there was nothing to indicate she would take an overdose .
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