Example sentences of "she could see a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The bed beside her was empty , but there were men in the yard : she could see a glimmer of light between the shutters and hear a flotsam of voices now and then , when the wind died .
2 On the work surface she could see a bowl of salad , the wine bottle and a row of cutlery .
3 She could see a highwire directly overhead , above that , air traffic , and beyond-— .
4 She could see a couple of the other models standing near the buffet table , laughing as they accepted glasses of champagne from attentive gentlemen .
5 Mrs O'Hara said she could see a gunman kneeling in the hallway firing into the room , and another gunman further along the hall .
6 She could see a flicker of fire , Wynne-Jones 's fire .
7 In her limited understanding , she could see a way to the upper strata of Arcady society and beyond it to the stars .
8 There should also be more investment in counselling for unwillingly pregnant women , more support for the lone mother who would keep her pregnancy if she could see a way of coping , and fewer politicians using our bodies as debating points to be scored over opponents .
9 She could see a decision path dividing in front of her as plainly as if it was real .
10 She could see a sliver of white shirt , the braided collar of his black jacket , a star on his epaulette , the hand that rested along his crossed knee .
11 She could see a row of tiny faces gaping from the balcony before being engulfed by a huge sheet of flame .
12 In the distance she could see a bus winding along the narrow lanes .
13 The room she was using was at the back of the house , and as she got up and walked over to the window to look out she could see a panorama of fields lying lush and green under a cloudless May sky .
14 The beach shelved up to green slopes , and quite near she could see a forest begin .
15 She was almost on top of the river before she realised that this was where the path was leading , and here she found another seat from which she could see a boat or two plaiting lazy fans of rippling wake through the smooth water .
16 She could see a rainbow forming in the cloud-streaked sky .
17 Occasionally she could see a gleam in Rachel 's eye , as though she might suddenly ask him if his intentions were honourable , but for the first time in her life she learned to be grateful for her mother 's good manners .
18 As they flew over the house and looked down on colourful gardens she could see a pool of some considerable size , glittering greenly in the sun , tubs of geraniums around it .
19 He led her to the last desk in the line , on which she could see a sheaf of pink sheets of paper .
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