Example sentences of "she could not [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 She looked across the desk at Wycliffe as though for encouragement , but none came ; his expression remained bland ; she could not even be sure that he was looking at her or whether his gaze was focused on the window behind her .
2 In a nylon jersey house-gown of peacock pattern and iridescent colouring , which clung like a silk glove , she could not possibly be anyone but Mrs Paviour , that same Lesley who walked when the fit took her , last thing at night , and had been home twenty minutes when Charlotte rang the door-bell .
3 She could not possibly be right about this , thought Robert .
4 She could not really be hearing all this , could she ?
5 She could n't even be sure they knew of its existence , since the note was still there on the night of her own illicit search .
6 Close up he could see how she could n't possibly be a rival , whatever they did with wigs and make-up , but that voice was alarming ; or was it ?
7 Surely she could n't suddenly be afraid of being alone ?
8 Surely she could n't really be dead ; could n't they see that ?
9 Surely she could n't really be having this ridiculous conversation ?
10 She could n't seriously be falling for him , could she ?
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