Example sentences of "she have [vb pp] [adv prt] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But I 'll I 'll make enquiries , and if it looks like she has gone out I will have to get in and we I 'm sure we can twist an arm .
2 Spokesman Peter Titterton cheekily suggested that Princess Di should drive one now she has given up her Mercedes .
3 Well Mrs Toad is having a sale in her shop + + she has laid out her caish + cash register + + an' a number of pots of tea + + it 's gon na be a special sale because + + so she has th' + a sign up saying + prices are slashed + so she hopes lots of customers will be coming along + to visit her + + while she ‘ s waiting for customers + she goes about setting out the rest of + of the shop + + for things in the sale + + an ’ she brings on + large cans of tin + of tea + + for + she can only carry one at a time + so she walks on with one and puts it on the counter + +
4 She has set up her own training school because she found conventional training schemes offered no scope for the kind of message she wants to get across .
5 When she 'd calmed down she asked me if I 'd been to the doctors , and we made arrangements for her to take me down .
6 She 'd made up her mind that it was all my fault !
7 Until she 'd made up her mind one way or the other , the last thing she needed was for rumours of an imminent retirement from music to start circulating .
8 As soon as she 'd freshened up she would go out for a meal and see something of the city and the people who lived here .
9 I 'd tried to keep my voice light , coaxing , but she studied me coolly as though she 'd picked up my unspoken reservations and would not forget them .
10 Something important was eluding her , and until she 'd worked out what it was she did n't want to demand an explanation from him .
11 It seemed warm to him , as the handle of a spoon or a fork had often been , passed from her hand to his , after she 'd mashed up something on a plate for him when he was younger .
12 No matter how careful I was , Dawn soon had raw patches of skin where she 'd pulled out her feathers .
13 She had turned down their invitation tonight , partly because she was tired , and partly because she wanted to read the typed hand-outs which had accompanied the day 's lectures .
14 If she will be earning , that will eat into her profits , but she is likely to be more contented than if she had given up her job .
15 She had given up her job the week before .
16 She had given up her hard-earned scholarship to make a home for them — she could n't do both !
17 I think one thing that blindfolded us a bit was the fact that the river was in spate at the time and if she had fallen in she 'd have been washed out to sea .
18 She had touched up her hands , ’ said Jane Postlethwaite , ‘ but the pattern was the same . ’
19 Somehow his mother could shut out the unpleasant from her mind as if it had never existed and she had shut out the Worm as successfully as she had shut out everything else .
20 There was to be no quibbling , just , ‘ How much ? ’ for she had made up her mind that , no matter what it cost , she was going to have this outfit .
21 The moment Madame Mattli had offered her the job she had made up her mind .
22 She had made up her mind to put the past behind her .
23 She had made up her mind about Dominic .
24 When morning came , bitterly cold and still dark , she had made up her mind .
25 She had made up her mind that her delayed birthday present to her daughter was to be a proper , shop-bought frock .
26 He hoped she had made up her mind to talk and would not make him lose valuable time persuading her .
27 They were to be friends , not lovers , she had made up her mind to that .
28 ‘ One morning she had made up her mind .
29 And it did quite , but bad Lydia did n't know because she had made up her mind already and was blind to the simpler aspects of reality .
30 This was an ordeal which , like all others , would eventually end and although she had made up her mind to suffer it , nothing obliged her to accord it so much as one shred of thought ; or memory .
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