Example sentences of "she have [verb] to he " in BNC.

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1 He has n't talked to me since , but Violet tells me she has explained to him that ‘ some people are funny about dogs ’ .
2 He did n't bother deciding which of the things she 'd said to him she was referring to .
3 She had n't meant half the things she 'd said to him .
4 She she would n't tell us what she 'd said to him either , so it must have been bad .
5 She was unsophisticated and shy and she had turned to him eagerly , warmed by his passion , his odd bursts of kindness , his quirks of humour .
6 She had turned to him now and they were staring at each other .
7 Oh , he was clever , and it hurt unbearably to know that now , of all times , she had to lie to him .
8 She had explained to him about Flora , thinking that his undoubtedly benevolent heart would be touched .
9 She had explained to him about her mother ; he had met her mother ; he had seemed to size up the problem , had said the right things in his oblique way .
10 She had to go to him !
11 ‘ There is nothing I would not do for you , ’ he replied , and all at once frustrated beyond enduring , ‘ For pity 's sake , woman , ’ he implored , and , reminding her of a comment she had made to him that delightful mealtime in Bečov , ‘ give me a straight answer to a straight question — are you going to marry me ? ’
12 That was why she had reacted to him with such ferocity , why she had such difficulty tearing her mind away from him , why she shivered inside each time she pictured his face .
13 She had to talk to him
14 ‘ How could you expect anyone to trust you with their conveyancing ? ’ she had said to him , only last week .
15 She knew he was remembering the last time they had drunk Martinis together and what she had said to him then .
16 ‘ Monsieur le baron , ’ she said , as she had said to him once before .
17 She had said to him , saucily enough :
18 Irritably she had said to him , Lily Greenwood again now :
19 What was it she had said to him about the missing family silver ?
20 She had said to him what she had wanted to say and now she was off .
21 She did not know that Neil 's anger and disgust with his old love had been fuelled more by her unpleasant reference to McAllister than anything else she had said to him .
22 The memory of all the things she had said to him came back to her and she was suddenly scared .
23 But in the sweet and gentle light of day , she began to face herself , to think back over the conversation she had with ‘ Miguelito ’ , and to try and work out just how besotted she had sounded to him .
24 She had clung to him then , inordinately grateful for his food and shelter , and for the shelter of his body , which was stronger , more resolute than hers .
25 He had picked her up half-conscious , and while he carried her to the hospital she had clung to him with a pitiful force .
26 She had written to him while he was in prison but had received no reply , but then she had excused him in her own mind , telling herself he would be free soon , then he would come home to her and make her his bride .
27 Nor had she answered messages through friends , and she had written to him only twice in his makeshift London digs — once to say she hoped he was well , and once about some dry cleaning .
28 Knew that she had warmed to him , that she wanted to ease his grief , and for a dangerous few seconds he thought he would cry .
29 She had warmed to him not as a spiritual being , but as vigorous young flesh and blood , full of untested potentialities .
30 He had shown her round the parish with such an enthusiasm for its social and ethnic diversity that she had warmed to him and , when offered the curacy , accepted .
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