Example sentences of "she have [verb] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her idol is the 1920s artist Varvara Stepanova , whose clothes designs she has reconstructed for museums and whose portrait , along with that of the revolutionary poet Mayakovsky , she has stitched on to another of her own red dresses .
2 The homoeopathic physician can on the other hand give the appropriate remedies for grief or fright , or whatever else it may have been , and experience the satisfaction of being told that the patient now feels better than she has done for years .
3 Sylvia Pedder from Headington in Oxford uses a wheelchair and despite efforts by British Rail to update their trains , she says often she has to travel for hours on end on her own .
4 That was more than she 'd done for Dane , she realised , feeling the first faint stirrings of doubt .
5 There had been so much to see and she 'd ached for Fernando to be beside her to show her everything .
6 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
7 She 'd dressed for breakfast in shorts and T-shirt and it was n't the ideal outfit for talking business with hotel managers .
8 She felt great , better rested than she 'd felt for weeks now , the little aches of fatigue she 'd been growing used to now all miraculously ironed out .
9 Stylist Patrick recommended a softer shape for Betty , instead of the severe brushed-back style she 'd worn for years , as well as a complete reconditioning of the ends .
10 It was because of her worsening rheumatism that she 'd asked for Ruth to come and help her this summer .
11 She 'd asked for warmth — and here it was and she did n't like it .
12 She 'd asked for time , had n't she ?
13 But the breath she 'd drawn for speech was expelled in a sigh of frustration .
14 Surely there was no harm in this , just sitting here in her car with David Markham , a man whom after all , she 'd known for years .
15 She could use the sugar she 'd got for building bricks for a new shed I reckon , the amount she 'd got there .
16 Out of all the women that she 'd processed for Charlie , the hard cases and the desperate and the downright kinky , she 'd felt affection for none until Lucy had come along .
17 Earlier she had , despite Newman 's warning , made a brief call to INCUBUS headquarters , leaving a message for her boss that she 'd left for England .
18 She 'd left for England two days later , having spent most of the intervening time with Gaston .
19 And he went on in English and in the manner of his ‘ Jottings ’ : ‘ How many generations ago , when she was a young girl , might she have sat for Pietro and become his Madonna della Misericordia ?
20 I ought to have taken heed of the warnings contained in those anonymous horoscopes , Lissa thought morosely , fingering the disks she had prepared for Adam .
21 She had searched for pictures and added them to her dreams , gypsies dancing , donkeys plodding through narrow streets , dazzling white houses and cool patios drenched in flowers .
22 What pity she had possessed for others had been diffuse and impersonal , for women as a mass rather than for individual women such as poor , defeated Poll whom she saw daily , the marks of Jem 's fists on her face .
23 The initiative foundered and Lorna , who has always had a talent for design , remembered an advert she had seen for Colour Counsellors .
24 She had dressed for comfort , knowing the travelling conditions would be fairly primitive .
25 She felt relieved and began to express feelings she had hidden for years .
26 ‘ I offered to bring her back again but she said she had to wait for Angharad . ’
27 The third column , which she had reserved for telephone numbers , was so far entirely blank .
28 If she had asked for Ward Five he would have told her morning visiting in the public wards was forbidden and he might , because he was feeling benevolent , have called her love .
29 It was unusual for her to have been alone then , but she had asked for time to herself .
30 She had cleared for Antwerp , where she spent a couple of days , and had then gone to West Africa , calling at several ports before returning to Antwerp .
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