Example sentences of "she [vb -s] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So come yesterday there was people going and all this business and it ended up with just her car and one red one then the red one goes out she goes with the woman they 're outside there two of those bloody King Charles !
2 She is about a third the size of the air-conditioned monsters , with two-thirds fewer passengers , and she blends with the panorama of the Nile .
3 In truth , it is very much a love-hate relationship she has with the circuit .
4 She disagrees with the implication that the DoH has cast a more favourable glance over the needs of health authorities and is adamant they are judged along the same lines as SSDs .
5 She travels with the production , but uses Apollo based dressers for the shows .
6 She helps with the business side of her husband 's work .
7 These she reads with the kind of pure , trance-like attention that she used to give , as a child , to the stories of Enid Blyton .
8 Walkerdine , recording interviews with and observing a working-class 6-year-old girl and her family in their home , uses fantasy to explore how she identifies with the family from her working-class childhood , and is at the same time distanced from it by her middle-class academic adulthood :
9 This introduces several movements seen later in more solemn form when she dances with the prince at the ball .
10 This is what Lise does in Mother Simone 's kitchen in La FilleMal Gardeé and Cinderella in her kitchen before she dances with the broom .
11 She seems to thrive on heretical statements and swimming against the tide : ‘ I look at what the cosmetic trade is doing and walk in the opposite direction , ’ she declares with the kind of outspoken defiance that has made her a retailing legend in the decade it took her to turn The Body Shop into a worldwide phenomenon .
12 bakery assistant , received her £500 for the work she does with the West Oxfordshire branch of Volunteer Reading Help .
13 ‘ She 's getting up speed now just-like she does with the hammer .
14 When she argues with the canon law , Paul explains that ‘ Religion is n't something one needs … .
15 In London , for example , she works with the Church of England 's radio studio and in Litchfield , courses are often run with the help of an Anglican training officer at a local radio outside broadcasting studio .
16 The passivity of the wronged girl is a trait she shares with the hero of Guy Newell 's Fox Farm ( 1922 ) , a sensitive farmer abandoned by his go-getting wife after he has been blinded in an explosion .
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