Example sentences of "she [was/were] [verb] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When Ruth arrived at the Rope Walk on Monday morning , she felt as if she were stepping back in time .
2 She could hear guests on the tennis-courts ; if she were to walk back to the house now , straightway , taking the short cut , she could avoid them .
3 On the twenty fifth of April nineteen eighty eight she was transferred back to Hinchinbrook hospital .
4 She was flicked back against him , clamped closer with one powerful arm , and as he looked down at her , hard and intent , he made brief , rhythmic movements , flexing chest and thigh muscles to make her slide down his body , her heart hammering … he was practically making love to her on the dance-floor .
5 She was looking back over her own life .
6 Her gaze distant , as though she was looking back into the past , she continued , ‘ It would n't have been easy , staying here , but I dare say we would have managed .
7 She was pressed back into her seat as the craft began to speed up .
8 She was pressed back against the seat as Fergus accelerated again .
9 She was referred back to the medical clinic after a few months with the same clinical findings .
10 Abruptly the dream finished and she was plunged back into reality .
11 She was moving back on board Wavebreaker in preparation for the next day 's early departure .
12 Any lingering dreams died and she was propelled back into her normal character speedily .
13 She was sent back to Paris to be plucked , groomed , coiffed , gowned , a " la " mode , hair by carita , dressed by Dior , shoes , jewellery , gloves and lingerie form all the best houses .
14 As for Mary Alice , she was flown back to the USA in June 1945 , some 11 months after her original crew .
15 She was flown back from Zimbabwe at the weekend for treatment at Newcastle 's Royal Victoria Infirmary .
16 As I understood it she was flying back to the States tomorrow . ’
17 She had been friends with Annie long enough to know when she was holding back on her .
18 She was led back to her cell .
19 It was hardly a stately progress , but as she made her triumphant way back the seas of people around her grew and grew , so that she was accompanied back into the parade ring by a whooping mob , pushing and shoving to get to her , all carried along on a tide of exultation .
20 Somewhere below , only a few minutes away but in another world completely , she was running back to the house , Simon in hot pursuit .
21 She was going back to the knacker 's .
22 Her marriage had ended the night when she told Neil Fraser she was going back to Ireland to look for her brother .
23 And she said no , she could not make tomorrow , she was going back to England tomorrow , which was not true , but true enough .
24 She was going back to her father 's house to show people what she had written in her schoolbooks about them .
25 Her mother suspected she was going back to Portugal after cutting short her daughter 's recent holiday there because of the romance .
26 Emily left me , mouthing as she went out of the door that she was going back to the office .
27 Tight-lipped , she told him that she was going back to Arden post-haste .
28 But Mrs Gotobed said nothing more and when Carrie did look , she was lying back in her chair with her head fallen sideways .
29 Then , head bent , she was hurrying back to the villa , suddenly knowing in her heart what had to be done .
30 For a moment , he thought that his wildest dreams were about to come true : she was staring back at him in a deep , soulful way that he was sure meant love .
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