Example sentences of "she [is] [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think she 's getting with all them fillings out of the way .
2 Offically the new job starts in September , but for now she 's getting in some valuable practice as acting head , while the current Head Boy takes his exams .
3 But she 's getting round most of the planet-based scrambling systems .
4 Julie says she was never told about the risk of toxoplasmosis … and she 's calling for all pregnant women to be screened for the infection :
5 So Barbara , meself and a couple of the kids came along , , a couple of the kids were in on this , backing away sort of thing , and of course she went on this used car lot , and she 's looking at these Volkswagens , and John was doing his bit , I believe you like Polos .
6 She 's looking through this rack of suits so I go and give her a hand .
7 ‘ I expect she 's looking for another husband , ’ she said .
8 Not that she 's complaining about that , of course . ’
9 she said it 's hard enough for people with jobs to exist today without all this and she 's gone back to college on the flexi idea , erm , brush up her typing because she said , now whether she 's thinking of future years , she said when she left here that time , although she got that job she said it was n't easy , she said because I had no bits of paper as such , although when I did the test I passed it , she said it was n't simple , so she 's doing
10 She 's riding in big cars and she 's dressing like a tart .
11 She 's hoping for better things this time round .
12 Yes , she 's leaving in three weeks before the end of term .
13 yes , but normally she does n't watch erm six o'clock news because she 's cooking at six o'clock or seven o'clock .
14 Apparently her parents think she 's staying with wanted to know if she could send them our phone number and say she was staying here .
15 She 's staying in that caravan he 's got in field there .
16 By the afternoon she 's tucking into three or four chocolate digestives and in the evening has something like baked beans on toast and the odd glass of wine .
17 They 've told her she 's had three years more than what she should of had , she 's living on borrowed time , but , erm , she said the ho er
18 And er she 's working on that .
19 She she 's working on some poxy thing !
20 She said she 's working till six , and then going to aerobics
21 Mrs Armitage says she 's fighting for other families too .
22 Mrs mentions that when she 's talking about sophisticated London
23 She does n't know what she 's talking about half the time , she does n't know who anybody is .
24 She 's talking about improved representation and personalize that in relation to the Northumberland area , which would n't contradict what , whatever flows from structures and branch structures in the transitional period er which is you know good six months to a , a , a year away as it were .
25 Well she comes out with such a load of claptrap , she do n't know what she 's talking about most of the time ah , are you and dad gon na buy a box each ?
26 So she 's walking past this church and she says if anyone can help me , God can help me .
27 That 's the , that 's the crux of the story , she 's she 's campaigning against bad language and she sent , has given a letter to all the in the school with fuck you in it .
28 She 's basking in all the glory , ’ said one man , ‘ but it had bugger all to do with her .
29 If she 's playing with some children on the other side of the room and suddenly looks up to find you 're not there , she wails .
30 ‘ She certainly seems to be enjoying life now , ’ said Greg — and then , realizing this was open to misunderstanding , he added : ‘ I do n't mean now that Hilda is dead , of course — I just mean she 's revelling in this revival of interest in Walter Machin . ’
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