Example sentences of "she [vb past] she have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She admitted she had made a dreadful mistake and appealed for a reconciliation .
2 She admitted she had come from London to gain recruits for the Communist Party , but denied any attempt to stir up strife .
3 It was n't like a shop , because everything she sold she 'd made herself .
4 She awoke to a cold , grey morning , feeling stiff and uncomfortable , and uttered a hollow groan as she realised she 'd fallen asleep in her clothes .
5 She was just about to step under the gushing spray when she realised she 'd left her sponge-bag in the other room .
6 Eva admits she " may have been a bit impetuous in those early days " , but she was always willing to learn , and apologise when she realised she had overstepped the mark .
7 It was only when the colours gave way to plain gold before subsiding into diminishing fountains of silver that she realised she had moved closer to Rune , seeking instinctive protection against the sharp noise of the exploding rockets and that he had gathered her to his strong male body , pinning her to his side by the power of his arm , his hand firmly pressed against her waist .
8 She said with a shock that she realised she had grown up among the men on her father 's farm without seeing them as people you could conceivably fancy .
9 And , in any case , I think she realised she had met her match .
10 There was no sign of her raft , the line of which she realised she had cut .
11 Leith was n't feeling very hungry when she got in , but she made herself a pot of tea and a snack , and , as she realised she had known she would , she worried .
12 ‘ Important enough for you to take her out every night , ’ Claudia responded , gasping as she realised she had spoken her thoughts out loud .
13 Lissa sighed with relief , his name hovering on her lips , and it was only when Rourke 's head turned sharply that she realised she had spoken aloud .
14 Suddenly she realized she had loved these last few months .
15 She realized she had missed an opportunity to needle Brian and went on , ‘ Tim says drop-outs are the fault of a cynical and uncompassionate administration who 're buggered if they 're going to waste good money on a load of lunatics , so they 've slung them out and turned the asylums into conference centres for advertising agencies . ’
16 She could have tried the blackmail approach on the Saturday afternoon ; then , when Steen cut up rough , she realized she 'd overstepped the mark and brought in Charles as a go-between to patch things up .
17 Then she realized she 'd forgotten to kneel down when she came in , and blushing , sank to her knees .
18 And Dot had a sinking feeling because she realized she 'd known all along even though she had n't wanted to .
19 She doubted she 'd had more than three hours sleep the previous night , and Julie only a little more .
20 When she found she had survived she felt like Lazarus .
21 When she saw his hands at his sides clench into aggressive fists , ‘ No , ’ she found she had answered truthfully .
22 ‘ That sounds a lovely idea , ’ she found she had answered before she had given herself time to think further .
23 She found she had torn most of the mourning band away from her sleeve and there was nothing for it but to pull it off entirely .
24 She 'd missed a chance to go skating with Auntie Joan and when she came downstairs , she found she 'd missed a visit from Grandpa as well .
25 They were half-way to the car when she found she 'd left something behind and went back in a flurry of carrier bags and magazines .
26 When she woke she had shed her leaves , and the woodbones lay discarded and piled around her .
27 Apart from the single ecstasy dose , she believed she had drunk only a glass of wine that night .
28 No matter what Louise might think of her tactics in dealing with this crisis she believed she had handled the situation in the best way possible .
29 The feel of him , the taste of him , was like a drug , one which she believed she had kicked , but which , she was now discovering , continued to exert a ruthless grip .
30 However , Lilian Peters , seeing how hurt Mrs Miller was , said that she thought that it was a good idea and after suggesting that a weekly gathering of the evacuated mothers and their infants would also be an excellent idea , Mrs Miller sat down beaming , because she believed she had thought of it herself .
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