Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't finish because that would be pushy if she admitted she expected him to ask her to stay with him as he had done once before .
2 She presumed he meant they had not expected her , but she liked the ambiguity in his English .
3 With growing awareness — and wariness — he had started to notice that Sandra worked at being what he wanted her to be , or at least what she presumed he wanted her to be .
4 With Betty against a wall and I pressing her lips with mine , she requested me to put my tongue into her mouth ‘ the French way ’ she said .
5 Edouard , moved by her words , lifted his hand gently to touch her arm and , to his horror , she flinched as if she expected him to hit her .
6 She could n't finish because that would be pushy if she admitted she expected him to ask her to stay with him as he had done once before .
7 She expected him to protect her .
8 She braved herself to meet his eyes , wondering if he too had lost his appetite and for the same reason as her .
9 She made him do it . ’
10 She made them feel they mattered more than anything else that was going on around .
11 She made me repeat it five times .
12 She made me see it , and the different evergreens , and the red berries and the dogwood and the sheltered bench and the silvery fish in the little pool …
13 I sat in the back with Rayleen ( could n't you have guessed ? ) and she made me put my right hand in her lap while she ran her fingertips over most of the rest of my body looking for other injuries .
14 erm , she made me bend my head and I could only bend it a little way and she could see the spasms
15 ‘ He was flying last night , was n't he ? ’ she made herself ask it .
16 Once more they could reveal themselves to each other — not just physically , because with every gesture she made she knew she would reveal the one thing he must never know — the fact that she loved him .
17 Yet as long as she lived she hoped she would never be obliged to exchange another word with him .
18 She got herself a job in Reading college , she got somebody to take her down there and a place to get an English A Level , and Mary said it 's a thing with her she wants to get this English A Level cos her father had one and she feels that is she could get and English A Level it would impress him , he , she spends her life trying to impress her father who does n't really takes much notice of her , .
19 So er she got I mean what ?
20 Boys queued up to take Gloria out , but avoided Deirdre , in case she asked them to help her muck out while they were waiting for Gloria to get her false eyelashes in the right place .
21 She asked him to teach her the trick , but he said that she was not ready yet .
22 She asked him to test her on fielding positions , and he marked out on the sand the two sets of stumps and the ten fielding positions around them .
23 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
24 He beat his drum under her window and she asked him to give her a rose .
25 She was afraid he would ask her about herself and to forestall this she asked him to tell her about his training and what he hoped for in the future .
26 Juliet was remembering Celia 's frightened voice as she asked her to tell her the blood results before anyone else .
27 She asked me to give you some good advice .
28 She asked me to give it to the lady who had been in court with her child , and to ask if you would take care of her till she could come for her . ’
29 be a doctor ’ — She asked me had I thought it out ?
30 She asked me to call her that .
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