Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pron] was [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 We surfed that channel in half the time it normally takes and then towards the end of our Connemara trip , even after a couple of longer crossings where she admitted she was cursing the disappearing stern of my glassfibres boat , she wanted to buy the Seayak .
2 She admitted he was quarrelling with her .
3 Tatum , 29 , signed for the role of ex-Playboy bunny Bambi Bembenek — who killed her husband 's ex-wife -just a fortnight after she revealed she was ending her six-year marriage .
4 When she recovered she was holding on to the edge of the table for balance .
5 Then , before she realised what was happening , he fastened her in the double stirrups , binding her hands and feet .
6 Sanity returned with the effect of an icy shower , as she realised what was happening .
7 He caught her by the waist , in a half rugby tackle , lifted her up , spun her around and in one fell swoop had hoisted her on to his shoulders even before she realised what was happening .
8 She stalked out of the factory , intending to walk through the grounds to cool off , and it was n't until she was passing the administration block that she realised it was raining .
9 With a boat neck it had short sleeves , and Kate bit her lip as she realised it was going to have a pretty powerful impact .
10 She realised he was getting her flustered , and clamped her mouth shut before the trickle of explanations became a torrent .
11 But as the vivid dream came back she realised he was telling the truth .
12 But as the week wore on and Damian made no attempt to see her at night , spend time with her or try to kiss her , she realised he was seeing Domino in the dark , humid hours when Rachel sat alone at home , tortured by jealousy , consumed with it , imagining them together and burning with impotent rage .
13 Colour flooded her cheeks as she realised he was accusing her of posing and denying he had had anything to do with it .
14 Then she realised he was referring to their escape and drew in a shaky breath of relief .
15 Then she realised he was watching her , his heavy-lidded eyes gleaming with amusement and speculation .
16 When her eyes moved back up to his face , she realised he was watching her covert examination , his heavy-lidded gaze amused .
17 Annie laughed once more as Billy put a hand up to his lips in mock horror and then her face suddenly flushed as she realised he was appraising her .
18 They 're coming back on the first Wednesday of next month with a bus load of about forty Women 's Institute members — ’ She broke off as she realised he was staring at her in horror .
19 ‘ THA KEAY 'S UP MY ‘ ASS ’ ( This startled Jane until she realised he was saying : ‘ The key 's at my house ’ . )
20 With a stab of pain she realised he was laughing at her .
21 ‘ I — I — ’ She realised she was trying to say she was sorry .
22 Rachel sat for a moment as the wind playfully tossed a handful of leaves on to the bonnet of the car , and as she turned the key in the ignition she realised she was trembling .
23 It was as she came to the end of her enthusiastic little speech that she realised she was leaning halfway across his desk , so close that she could almost have counted his lashes and the tiny fine lines around the corners of his mouth .
24 She realised she was taking Miguel 's attention away from his patient .
25 It was only then she realised she was shivering .
26 She realised she was breathing heavily like an over-anxious doxy .
27 She found herself watching him as he carried their drinks back to the table , the easy way he moved , his casual dress , his ready smile , and in spite of her previous reservations she realised she was liking what she saw .
28 What her reception would be she feared to imagine , and as she drew near to the Mohaka River bridge she became filled with apprehension because , now that she came to think of it , she realised she was poking her nose into something that did not even remotely concern her .
29 A long pause stretched out , and she realised she was shaking all over with emotion after the argument .
30 Her rump burned as though a bonfire had been lit under it , and she realised she was standing upright .
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