Example sentences of "she [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had n't been her imagination , and she bitterly resented the hypocrisy of his charge .
2 Not that that in itself was a bad thing , she acknowledged — but she bitterly resented the fact that he , Adam Burns , should have that kind of influence over her .
3 Bernice suddenly found she badly needed a drink , but her hip flask was empty .
4 A week had passed without the offer of one single outside ride ; she badly needed a winner .
5 Yet she badly needed an ally , a friend who would listen and advise .
6 A picture of the rat crossed her mind and she instinctively rubbed the back of her hand across her cheek .
7 There was no particular reason why he should not know what she was up to , but she instinctively felt an urge to keep it quiet for the moment .
8 Without conscious thought she instinctively placed a hand on his arm .
9 Cautiously we both inched forward and she delicately sniffed the glass .
10 She would have let Lizzy go to the party eventually , she rarely denied the girl anything .
11 There was little enough fun in her life ; she had no friends , she rarely left the house and on the few occasions she did , it was never on her own and her only contacts were with her mother , the tutors , some of the servants and Patrick .
13 It is her responsibility to feed the chicks and keep them warm — she rarely leaves the nest when she has tiny offspring .
14 She vigorously massaged the area to distribute the drug through his body more quickly .
15 She rather dreaded the prospect , in spite of the fact that Helen prophesied an enjoyable evening .
16 Elizabeth said that ( like myself ) she could never bring herself to utter the words ‘ Natter and Noggin' ; and she never had any need to do so , for that establishment was no longer in existence when she visited Kyrenia eighteen years later — and she rather liked the place .
17 However , when Duncan arrives at Macbeth 's castle , she remarkably employs the nature of the perfect hostess .
18 Having tried ‘ rain ’ ( because a noun is called for ) she presumably sees the terminal ‘ s ’ and substitutes ‘ runs ’ ; and is then forced ( again by syntactical constraints ) to misread ‘ of as ‘ to ’ .
19 He gestured to Katherine and she slowly lifted the velvet .
20 She slowly forced the wheel to the left and the car moved on to the hard shoulder and stopped .
21 Shocked and disbelieving , she slowly opened the piece of paper with hands that shook uncontrollably , and it took her a moment to realise what it was .
22 When there was no response she slowly turned the handle and pushed the door open .
23 On the other side of the room , an ancient dame was regarding Theda with a fixed stare while she slowly plied a fan before her face .
24 Placing a pile of coins on the box in front of her , she slowly dialled the number .
25 The queen mother 's religious views and those of the French advisers she gathered around her did little to allay the reformers ' fears ; nor would they have been happy to know that on Mary 's marriage in 1558 to the Dauphin , who the following year became King Francis II , she secretly signed an agreement that if she should die childless her kingdom of Scotland and her claim to the throne of England should become her husband 's .
26 So they greeted her with comforts and praise , and said they liked the colour , and Janice lent her a necklace ; Clara did not much like the necklace either , for it was made of large artificial pearls , and she secretly suspected the donor of malicious intent in offering such a loan , but she put it on just the same , and ignored her suspicions , and allowed herself to be comforted , because she wished to be comforted , and because it was too late to get out of going .
27 At her first Wimbledon in 1887 , now an athletic figure of middle height with jet-black hair , she successfully challenged the holder , Blanche Bingley , to win the title at the age of fifteen years and ten months .
28 She successfully sought a venue for the meeting at the university and then called a phone-in Irish radio chat show to recruit support .
29 The fact that it managed to do so stands out with a clarity so insistent that each individual ruler — including Mary Queen of Scots — must be assessed by the extent to which he or she successfully fostered the self-perception that the Scots were a people who mattered .
30 This sister , Elisabeth , was to count for a good deal in Nietzsche 's later life , favourably and otherwise : she eventually became the custodian of all his surviving works during the long period of incapacity that preceded his death and continued in that influential role , which she executed in a highly questionable way , for thirty-five years afterwards .
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