Example sentences of "she [be] [verb] [adv] into " in BNC.

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1 Would she be taken out into the slaughter yard behind the servants ' quarters and have her throat cut ?
2 Tell Mamma she 's run out into the rain — what a bad animal she is ! ’
3 She was flung up into madness , as she rode the whirlwind .
4 She was sinking slowly into it .
5 She was sinking down into a dream , aware only of the warmth of his body wrapped intimately against her own .
6 She was looking up into Aggie 's face now .
7 His eyes were so alive that she felt she was looking straight into the source of his pleasure — he was the sort of man who thrived on challenge and went out to meet it head-on .
8 Her gaze distant , as though she was looking back into the past , she continued , ‘ It would n't have been easy , staying here , but I dare say we would have managed .
9 She was looking out into the vault of air above the sea .
10 She had little choice but to let him draw her close against him , until she was pressed tightly into the hard curve of his body .
11 She was pressed back into her seat as the craft began to speed up .
12 She was speaking blindly into the mirror , concentrating on smudging violet shadows onto her closed and bulging eyelids .
13 Abruptly the dream finished and she was plunged back into reality .
14 Anne could see that she was biting deeply into the pillow .
15 She was calling out into the mist and he listened and did not move .
16 Shelley wondered if she was reading more into his comments than he actually meant .
17 She had looked up ; and like the sunflowers she was facing right into the heart of the brightness which preceded the sun .
18 Any lingering dreams died and she was propelled back into her normal character speedily .
19 Kate felt she was tumbling headlong into something that she was not strong enough to fight .
20 She was led away into a crisp-looking cell where she was measured and weighed ; a careful , polite pair of hands found a vein in her strong arm and removed a vial of her blood .
21 His voice was deceptively innocent , and she was led right into the trap .
22 It was only as she was heading out into the road that she raised her eyes to the rear-view mirror .
23 Time was ticking by , and she was heading deeper into the unknown depths of Plenty .
24 It was hardly a stately progress , but as she made her triumphant way back the seas of people around her grew and grew , so that she was accompanied back into the parade ring by a whooping mob , pushing and shoving to get to her , all carried along on a tide of exultation .
25 Grainne stood very still and knew she was going forward into something that might well be a delight , but that might also be a torment .
26 Somehow , however , she had conspired to change places with Oliver so that she was staring triumphantly into Sir Thomas 's face diagonally up the table .
27 A little startled , she looked up , and was more startled because Ven was much closer than she had thought , and she found she was staring straight into a pair of inscrutable and penetrating dark eyes .
28 She was walking right into it with a smile on her face !
29 By choosing to go northwards , she was walking directly into the driving wind but she pressed on , bent low over the walking stick to try to protect her face .
30 Then the dome was echoing with the last anthem : she was walking out into the September sunshine on João 's arm ; the crowds were cheering in the streets , gasping at the splendour of her dress and showering her with flowers and petals .
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