Example sentences of "she [adv] had [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She only had one cow , it was all she could afford , but it provided enough milk to go with the porridge in the morning and the potatoes at other meals .
2 She only had one stick in them days — seven years back , I reckon .
3 She thus had little use for cinema which gave great weight to symbolism , and unfavourably contrasted symbolist poetry to the work of poets like Ezra Pound whose world operated , not through meaning , but through the ‘ direct impact of words ’ .
4 She always had some piece of sewing stuck in her belt while she cooked .
5 He had looked after his younger brothers and sister , he had made sure that she always had enough money , but she had been hearing things of late that had frightened her .
6 she still had that cold
7 By anybody 's reckoning , she still had another week in which to go through agonies about it .
8 She lives in a large , sunny and specially adapted local authority bungalow in Northampton : the walls of the living room are decorated with her paintings ( done when she still had some use of her right hand ) and her kitchen cupboard is covered with postcards , love letters from old boyfriends and local newspaper articles .
9 She probably had enough cash for a taxi , but the taxi habit still came hard to a girl from the sticks who was n't even used to being able to afford bus fare .
10 Ashley met me in the Jac that night , listened to my woes , bought me drink when I ran out of money ( I 'm sure I was short-changed at the bar ) even though she probably had less dosh than I did , and listened to my woes all over again when we went back to her mum 's and sat up till God knows when , talking low so we would n't wake Dean in the next room .
11 She also had typical hypocalcaemia .
12 She also had some concern as to whether in eight week Alan might develop a taste for the alcohol , the chocolate , and even the cigarettes !
13 She also had three penalty points endorsed on her licence and was ordered to pay £15 towards prosecution costs .
14 Dr Neil wanted to tell her to be careful , that she really had little idea of how hard and cruel the world was outside the privileged fastness in which she had previously lived , but he contented himself with saying instead , ‘ Have a good time , McAllister .
15 I also checked her urine for sugar as she now had vaginal thrush although this was probably due to the antibiotics .
16 ‘ Well , if she indeed had similar hair , I dare say that is not surprising . ’
17 With the light of morning she just could n't allow herself to believe , as she fully had last night after his phone call , that she had blown all chance of an interview , and Fabia sipped her coffee and wondered — how ?
18 She never had much time for me before . ’
19 She sang as well as she could , hitting the right notes — she never had any problem with that — but it was pretty dreadful singing , so lifeless and uninspired , not the way she had been singing during the weeks before Gesner 's arrival .
20 She never had any politics because she was n't allowed to .
21 Professionally , though , she never had any cause to doubt his judgement or medical skill .
22 Because of this she never had any time for her own parents : my mother could n't think it was right that they 'd parted with two of their children . ’
23 Elizabeth said that ( like myself ) she could never bring herself to utter the words ‘ Natter and Noggin' ; and she never had any need to do so , for that establishment was no longer in existence when she visited Kyrenia eighteen years later — and she rather liked the place .
24 It seemed that bingo afternoons left her so exhausted both physically and emotionally that she never had enough energy left to cook an evening meal .
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