Example sentences of "she [verb] oh [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You know , I mean , she says oh you 've got ta finish , er at least she comes out and get your .
2 It 's not cos she 's it , cos she 's like that you know I bought her summat , when ours were not , not very old , I did n't know what to get her and I bought her an ornament , she says oh I wish people 'd stop buying me ornaments I 've got too many , has to dust round them I thought you 'll get sod all next year
3 And I , when she 's revising she says oh I 've just done about change and theories of change .
4 And when he went , as he went , she says oh I do n't think he 'll have much choice , er , much chance do you ?
5 So erm she said oh what do you think ?
6 I said bye then see you sometime , bye and I put the phone down , and she said what does she want then and I said oh she wanted to know where , you know she 'd gone and I said oh I have n't seen her all week you know after , while we was hanging , she was hanging pictures , erm , she come through , she said oh they look wonderful she said I 've got pictures she said , I want my mountain put up in my lounge , with that June burst out laughing , Neil went through and he , he put her pictures up and he was gone there , he said , god he said , you know literally it 's a day to hang pictures , I said well do n't worry about it , you know , that 's what he said to do
7 she said oh I wish there was a big breeze blow my , up my
8 She said oh I 've got to write down a credit limit .
9 Er we saw her one day she said oh I 've got the keys by the way .
10 so , anyway , she must of thought about this , so she called on Monday , and she said oh I 've been thinking Michael 'll need electric for the drill
11 And I er was talking to her down the lane when Mrs Monday and I asked her how she was and she said oh I 've had a few falls in the house and all .
12 Good god lad , so erm , she said oh I know I 've been naughty and I have , not neglecting him in a naut , you know , they 've been making sure he 's been alright
13 I said , no , and she said oh I have lots of times , I only live at Manchester , you see , and of course , you had to go by boat you see , and I caught the boat train from Ipswich at eight o'clock in the morning and I got to Manchester at lunchtime about one and then went on to Liverpool and the train there took us almost down to the docks .
14 I said here I said got she said oh I have to go into cash now I suppose I have to owe you another bleeding pound here you are .
15 She said oh I have n't seen you .
16 what 's her name Mrs erm was there , Margaret and she said oh I have a table !
17 And so she said oh I want to see that , d' ya mind if I come with you cos I do n't want to go on me own , so and then we arrived , mum arrived first and , I said you do n't mind Naomi coming do you ?
18 I 've said to Jay I do n't know whether she do n't want me to help her , I do n't know , I , this is the second time I 've said to her , and she said oh I do n't know where they are , and I ai n't gon na ask her no more , if they get there they get there and if they do n't
19 You could , could the window tre the cleaner get through that window he said yes , but she 'll have to , he 'll have to force it , she said oh I do n't want it forcing , no , somebody at the shop in the greengrocers rooted through the phone book , eventually got her daughter 's phone number in Urmston , phoned for her and her daughter come down
20 You know when all this court business is on , and they had two hours at recess so he went to look at the cathedral with Steven and mum mentioned it and , and she said oh I think I 'll go and have a look round she said when all this is over cos dad , suppose he 'll never set foot in Norwich again and I said oh that 's silly cos it 's a , it is a lovely city .
21 anyway the girl said well I 'll ring first to see where you get your application form she , and the , Sue phoned and was on the other end and I said oh you should apparently you 've got have erm , er , application form and Mrs going to send you one , I said is that Mrs on the line she said is that Mrs speaking , she said yeah , I said will you tell it 's Mrs she said oh , well , tell Mrs she 's no need to apply I 've got all her details and she is being looked at , you know , we are looking into it anyway erm , as I say I had this letter just after Christmas to say that there was a job coming up at the Mencap at Wellingborough Road , Rushden , and I was being selected and erm would I go up for the informal interview on the Monday and the formal interview at the hospital the next morning , so I went up got the first person there and er she , she , it 's a new , it 's an old house but they 've done it all up and there all papers on the floor and then she said oh I think I 'll pick these up Ir Irene , I said oh call me Joy everybody does and she said alright , OK , I said oh I 'll help you so of course I said , I went straight down with her on the floor picking all these papers up and she , and when the next person come she said poor old Joy ai n't even got in the door and that 's it , she 's already working and she said I can see you 're like me Joy you 'll do a job when you see it 's got ta be done , I said I 've always been the same , I ca n't , I ca n't see a spoon or a bit of paper laying on the floor
22 And she said oh I think it 's only the pressure .
23 Yes , a nurse came round and she said hello Herby , she said oh you look quite bright , and I said did he play you up she said well he was very torn and I thought yeah I 'm sure he was .
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