Example sentences of "she [verb] it into [art] " in BNC.

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1 She drove it into the side of his head as hard as she could , hearing a crack as she smashed his temporal bone .
2 Instead of dragging it back into a tight knot in the nape of her neck , she twisted it into a more becoming coil , leaving the tendrils which had been twisted in the curl rags , to curl prettily round her face .
3 Sealing an envelope , she dropped it into the basket of outgoing mail .
4 His whole life seemed to hang on each letter in Annie 's hand , his eyes following it until she handed it into the crowd or placed it on a pile to one side and then he would fix on the next letter and the next .
5 She folded it into the cleft of her black bra .
6 And she frightened it into the supreme effort that carried it up , soaring and stretching , reaching beyond any achievement it knew of , until , by a hairsbreadth , it gained the crest of the fallen trunk .
7 She took it into the sitting-room where the dictionaries were kept and did her best to translate : It is excellent news that the whole business has been done successfully .
8 Crumpling the envelope in her hand , she tossed it into the fire , watching intently while it blackened and burned before returning to the single sheet of cheap paper .
9 Finding her own pocket handkerchief , she gave it into the old lady 's other hand .
10 She threw all of them away except one , then realised how silly and significant it would be to arrive on his doorstep with one daffodil ; she tucked it into the contents of an overflowing litter bin and arrived at Alan 's empty-handed .
11 She was reluctant to let go of the roach at first but then she hurled it into the fire and got unsteadily to her feet , saying , ‘ I know what . ’
12 She pushed it into the slot and dialled , dismayed to see she only had six units left .
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