Example sentences of "she [verb] [been] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Hills said : ‘ She has been crying out for a mile , and the way the race was run she has been lucky enough not to have had too hard a race . ’
2 She 'd been slender before .
3 Lord C had said she 'd borne them with stoicism , but looking back she realised she 'd been disappointed not to receive the whole dozen .
4 She 'd been fractious lately and just could n't shake off thoughts and doubts about him and Maria Luisa .
5 She 'd been miserable too long , yet she felt a sort of sick excitement at the thought of meeting Leo .
6 yeah , they 'll be , and she 's always moaning driving Sue up the wall , why should I keep him blah , blah , blah , blah , doing nothing , we sit and look at each other and Sue said for Christ sake she said you 're twenty years old , not forty , she 'd been bad on and off again , throat , well she had the shoulder , throat er she thought she had , oh the diabetes was one were n't it , diabetes one , they thought she had , thought that she had glandular fever but she has n't and er , so Sue said to her well are you looking after yourself and she said yes I am , Sue said well I du n no she never seems to be , cos she 's never been well has she really ?
7 Stroud said she 'd been terrified throughout .
8 How could she have been foolish enough to let it happen ? she asked herself inwardly as the lift slowed and stopped , and its wide metal doors sighed open .
9 If she had been rational enough to tell him something it certainly would n't have been that .
10 She might well have stood too , but he was close by and she had a quick memory of when she had been close up against his body before .
11 Before the end of the year she had been married again , to Thomas Sidney , brother of Sir Philip Sidney , the poet [ q.v. ] , and nephew of the Countess of Huntingdon .
12 She had been married before , of course , and he had n't been surprised to find out .
13 When she was flush , she had been stupid enough to pay over the odds .
14 When she was broke , she had been stupid enough to plead for credit .
15 She had been stupid enough to have kissed him once , but tonight she would make sure that the mistake was n't repeated .
16 Now that she had met Silas Wilder , Lucy realised it would not be easy to persuade him to visit his stepmother , and once again she wondered why she had been stupid enough to have allowed herself to become involved in this situation .
17 ‘ They were n't on it , ’ Roman said incredulously , and she realised that , though she had been thankful not to see Dana , Roman must be worried sick about Berenice and livid that Garry had , once again , escaped him .
18 Where once she had been desperate not to miss Johnny , now it seemed that she was fearful at the thought of meeting him .
19 Some time back , when the warning signs were becoming clearer and Richard was incapacitated , she had been cunning enough to transfer certain holdings into her own name .
20 She had been breathless ever since .
21 And when Jenny had got ill , she had been willful again , told herself she could manage to get her better without having the doctor to see her .
22 But she had been rash enough to believe he was starting to care for her .
23 In Cairo , exhausted by the traumas of recent weeks , she had been concerned not only about the Shah and his morale , but also about their four children who had gone ahead of them to the states .
24 She had been wary before but now she was paranoid about the whole concept of relationships .
25 If she had been angry before , she was twice as angry now .
26 She had been foolish enough to ask if it had a name .
27 She had been dismissive enough with Manfro , but she was n't quite sure how she was going to get out of her predicament .
28 She had been lucky so far ; she had not yet been caught , not yet been dragged off to some shrink and asked for explanations .
29 But she had been lucky once , it was too much to hope for another equally timely arrival .
30 Now , when Paul told her the truth , her first thought was that she wished she had got herself an extra gown , while she was at it ; in fact she had been unable conveniently to carry any more , or would have done so .
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